0.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

bootsie v0.0.1

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Last release
10 years ago


Your next static website generator

##Why you should choose bootsie?

  • Simple and direct, stop wasting time with long configurations
  • Extensible with Plugins!, do whatever you want!
  • Supports GULP and streams, check gulp-bootsie
  • Start in seconds with an integrated build system (browser-sync and batteries included)! see bootsie-start-kit


First, install bootsie:

npm install bootsie

##Want to use it in a script?

var bootsie = require('bootsie')("conf.json");


##With GULP

npm install gulp-bootsie

in your gulpfile.js

var bootsie = require('gulp-bootsie')("conf.json");

gulp.task("bootsie-build", function(){
    return gulp.src([src_dir+"/*.json"])  //get the configuration file in stream
    .pipe(bootsie.build())  //Generate html files
    .pipe(gulp.dest("."));  //Save

See plugin page for more details.

##Suggestion Clone bootsie-start-kit

How does bootsie works?

  1. Bootsie reads 2 configuration files.
    • conf.json - contains overall parameters
    • website.json - contains your website tree
  2. Parses the json files loading all the files.
  3. Fills the respective templates.
  4. Checks for errors in paths.

Sample conf.json

    "languages": ["en","it"],
        "templates": "./src/templates",
        "assets": "./src/assets",
        "database": "./src/db",
        "build": "./build",
        "source": "./src"

Sample website.json

            "title":"Demo Website",
            "description":"Insert Astonishing description here"

        "/":{                                   //Route /
            "template":"index.html",            //template name
            "content": {
                "home | file": "home.json",     //variable with filter(file)
                "bio | file":"bio.json"         //variable with filter(file)

        "archive/$post.title": {                //Route with parameter
            "content": [
                {"post | file": "archive/first_post.json"},
                {"post | file": "archive/second_post.json"}

And generates HTML, JSON or other formats (depending on the template engine used), parsing website.json.


Filters are used simply intesting a pipe | in front of the filter name, like this.

    "content": {
        "home | file": "home.json",
        "bio | file":"bio.json"

in this case the plugin bootsie-file is called and the result will be saved in home

Result after filter

    "content": {
        "home": {
            "title":"Content of home.json",
            "description": "if bootsie-file loads a .json file, it will be automatically parsed"
            "title":"Content of bio.json"

Filters concatenation

    "content": {
        "home | file | md ": "home.md"

in this case the file will be loaded by bootsie-file and it's content will be parsed by bootsie-md. Simple and powerful!

Create a Plugin

Bootsie follows GULP guidelines

Read Gulp guidelines

Plugins are very simple

    "content": {
        "home | file": "home.md"
function bootsie_file_filter (conf){
     target_name contains the string "home | file"
     contents contains the string "home.md"
    function __render(target_name, content){

        //Everything returned by the plugin goes inside the key
        return content;
    return {
module.exports = bootsie_file_filter;

Help Needed

Create new plugin, send pull requests, bootsie needs to grow! Thanks! :)