1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

bootstrap-dht-yourself v1.0.0

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9 years ago

bootstrap DHT yourself - DHTY

Let you bootstrap DHT connection without root nodes.


Dirtily, it scans network randomly until it s able to find peers connected to the bittorrent DHT.

It scans for most commonly used port numbers according to https://dsn.tm.kit.edu/english/2936.php.

It may be longer than usual bootstrap nodes. But nothing unbearable according to my tests, few minutes at worst to find peers.


It surrounds DHT constructor to instantiate and consume a DHT table to fill it. It then returns the table when it s ready.

See cli.js for runnable example.

For DHT please refer to https://github.com/feross/bittorrent-dht

Why ?

To demonstrate this is possible because nowadays bittorent is so popular.