botium-coach-worker v0.1.1
Botium Coach Worker
This is a Botium module for extracing and analyzing NLP information from Botium tests.
Did you read the Botium in a Nutshell articles ? Be warned, without prior knowledge of Botium you won't be able to properly use this library!
> npm install botium-coach-worker -save
const nlpAnalyticsData = nlpAnalytics.process({testCaseResults, connectorFeatures})
List of conversations. Botium Coach Worker supports now just the test results output format of Botium Box.
See some examples in test/dynamic directory with *.input.json postfix
The features of the chatbot. If it is not set, then Botium Coach Worker tries to calculate them, but it is in some cases not possible. In this case the *Supported flags like intentConfidenceSupported in nlpAnalyticsData.overallStat may be null.
(See some examples in test/dynamic directory with *.connectorFeatures.json postfix)
Nlp Analytics data. Botium Coach Worker supports now just the Nlp Analytics input format of Botium Box.