1.1.2 • Published 7 years ago

botmaster-fulfill-actions v1.1.2

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7 years ago

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Botmaster actions

Useful actions for botmaster fulfill http://botmasterai.com/).

Enable chatbots to perform actions on Node.js.

Find the documentation at the main botmaster website: http://botmasterai.com/middlewares/fulfill/



Break text up with a separate messages pausing before each one

<pause wait=2000 />

evaluated in series after evaluating all text / xml before removed controller sends text before and then waits before allowing rest of text/xml to be evaluated if the bot implements typing a typing status is sent between pauses.


  • wait {String} how long to wait in ms between each defaults to 1000


Greet users with a greeting that reflects the time of day

<greet />
<greet tz='America/New_York' lang='es' />

Outputs based on the detected system language

English (en)

  • between 4 am and 12 pm say "Good morning"
  • between 12 pm and 5pm say "Good afternoon"
  • between 5 pm and 4am say "Good evening"

Spanish (es)

  • between 4 am and 12 pm say "Buenos dias"
  • between 12 pm and 8pm say "Buenas tardes"
  • between 8 pm and 4am say "Buenas noches"

Dutch (nl)

  • between 4 am and 12 pm say "Goedemorgen"
  • between 12 pm and 6 pm say "Goedemiddag"
  • between 6 pm and 12 am say "Goedenavond"
  • between 12 am and 4 am say "Goedenacht"
