0.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

boulevardier-schematic v0.0.3

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5 years ago


This repository is an Angular Schematic implementation to generate a Boulevardier site from TEI sources.

Using this schematic


Using this schematic requires that the following tools be installed:

  • nodejs
  • npm

Once npm is installed, install the Angular CLI tools and this schematic:

  • npm install -g angular-cli
  • npm install -g boulevardier-schematic

Additional dependencies required for the site will be installed within the project according to its requirements.

Preparing content

This generator currently assumes that your site's static content -- including any TEI articles, images, icons, and ancillary pages -- is available to the schematic with the following layout on the filesystem:

~/dev/my-boulevardier-assets/ $ tree
├── articles            # TEI-encoded primary site content
│   ├── TEI.1.xml
│   ├── ...
│   └── TEI.n.xml
├── config
│   └── map.json        # configuration values for the map and tiles
├── fonts
│   ├── font.1.css      # CSS fonts to use for the site
│   ├── ...
│   └── font.n.css
├── icons               # map marker icons to use for the site
│   ├── icon.1.svg
│   ├── ...
│   └── icon.n.svg
├── images              # images referenced in TEI articles
│   ├── image.1.jpg
│   ├── ...
│   └── image.n.jpg
├── pages               # ancillary HTML pages
│   ├── page.1.html
│   ├── ...
│   └── page.n.html
└── title               # HTML content for the title page
    └── title.html

Generating a new site

The following commands cause a new Angular 6 site to be generated. The directory my-boulevardier-assets contains content as described in the preceding section.

~/dev/ $ ng new my-site
~/dev/ $ cd my-site
~/dev/my-site $ schematics boulevardier-schematic:application --assetsDirectory=../my-boulevardier-assets --dry-run=false --force
~/dev/my-site $ ng build
~/dev/my-site $ ng serve
~/dev/my-site $             # site now availbale at http://localhost:4200

Version control

The generated site includes an initialized git repo, but most of the custom content is not yet included. Run the following commands to put the site under version control:

~/dev/my-site $ git add -A
~/dev/my-site $ git commit . -m "<your comment>"

Note that there is a .gitignore file included during the ng new ... step.

TODO: add task to automate this step.