1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago
br-and v1.0.3
brAND is a CSS library that can be used for all AND Digital products to maintain consistency across them.
For more information on brAND, visit the Wiki
Coming soon...
To install brAND in your node modules simply run...
npm install br-and
brAND uses SASS to build its components and modules. If you just want the basics (lighter, fluffier) then import brand.scss
// your-main.scss
@import "node_modules/br-and/scss/brand";
You can override some variables such as the breakpoints. Just include these variables before brand to override. Brand uses Bootstraps mobile-first grid.
More info in Theming.
brAND uses assets stored on the CDN to load fonts and icons so you will need to include this in the head of your page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/static.andigital.com/fonts/fonts.css" type="text/css">