0.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

brainwave v0.0.6

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Last release
5 years ago



Walk the files and control the ones with frontmatter in them

Let's say you have a bunch of files with frontmatter in them. Like MDX or similar. Let's say you have fields in that frontmatter that you wanna be able to query against, or manipulate, but you don't wanna do it by hand.

Use brainwave!


yarn global add brainwave


brainwave is a powerful tool which can change tons of files in your codebase. Using brainwave in a folder without version control is likely a mistake. Protect yourself. Remember to use the --dryRun flag to see what would have run instead. Use brainwave at your own risk. Please log any issues on Github.


  1. cd your-project
  2. brainwave --init - generate a basic brainwave.config.js file
  3. Open brainwave.config.js in your favorite editor and make changes relative to your codebase:
module.exports = {
  // telepathy specifies function predicates to run against the codebase
  telepathy: {
    // this will print out all files which have a "review" key in their frontmatter
    review: z => z && z.review
  // control specifies both predicates and mutations, each a function
  control: {
    edited: [
      // *REMEMBER* to use --dryRun and it will instead tell you what _would_ be modified
      // this runs always!
      () => true,
      // it will add / update dateEdited field in the mdx files
      x => (
        x && x.stats && x.stats.ctime
        ? { dateEdited: new Date(x.stats.ctime) }
        : {}
  1. Once you've made changes, run brainwave --telepathy to see only telepathy calls.
  2. Run brainwave --dryRun to see what your changes in control will do.
  3. If you're happy with the changes you're about to make (and you're using version control like a sane person), try running brainwave with no --dryRun flag, and it will update all .mdx and .md file in the local folder, excluding node_modules.

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