0.0.4 • Published 10 years ago

brave-ec v0.0.4

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Last release
10 years ago


Elliptic Curve utilities for the Brave Collective Core Services nodejs bindings

Requires openssl v0.9.8 or later, tested against openssl v1.0.1c and node v0.10.22

Validation and DER decoding are handled with node-forge


// $ npm install brave-ec; cd node_modules/brave-ec
// $ npm test

var d = new Date();
var datestr = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDay()].join('-');
var filename = 'braveApp-'+datestr+'.pem';

var braveEC = require('brave-ec');

// Generate a keypair and write it to disk for future signatures:
braveEC.newECKeypair(function(err, keys){
  if(err){ throw err };
  if(fs.existsSync(filename)){ throw 'Not overwriting existing key' };
  fs.writeFileSync(filename, keys.priv.pem
    mode: parseInt("600", 8), // set mode user-only read/write

// Load an existing keypair from disk:
braveEC.loadECPemFromFile(filename, function(err, keys){
  if(err){ throw err };
  console.log('Successfully loaded these keys from '+filename;);

/* This `keys` object returned by .newECKeypair and .loadECPemFromFile
will look like:
  priv: {
    hex: "a4ab...",
    pem: "-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS...",
  pub: {
    hex: "dead...",
    pem: "-----BEGIN EC PUBLIC...",

// Extract the private and public keys from a DER-encoded ASN.1 object:
var keys = braveEC._ecASNfromDER(input);

// `input` may be Node Buffer, utf8 hex string, or utf8 PEM-armored EC PRIVATE
// KEY string. 
// `keys` will have .privKey and .pubKey properties, these are nodejs binary
// buffers suitable for .toString(encoding) or writing to file

##Todo Sign and verify

##Done Decode DER to get actual keys


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago