2.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

briefcasev2 v2.1.0

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3 years ago


To be utilized in Veeva CLM presentations.



There are two scripts that are pulled in this package. The briefcase-engine.js is required while the briefcase-widget.js is optional.

The briefcase-engine.js is the code that grabs the local data for presentations and associated key messages. This script should be loaded into your project before the briefcase-widget.

The briefcase-widget.js is the front end code that utilizes the data returned by the briefcase-engine script. This script should be loaded into your project after the briefcase-engine. The included briefcase-widget file has three main uses:

  1. Dynamic Briefcase (briefcase generated dynamically, utilizing the Clm_Presentation_vod__c.Presentation_Id_vod prefix - more about this in implementation).
  2. Static Briefcase (briefcase with a defined presentation in the HTML - more about this in implementation)
  3. Hotspots (allows you to generate hotlinks to different presentations with only the Clm_Presentation_vodc.Presentation_Id_vod and Clm_Presentation_Slide_vodc.Name values, see more in #Hotspot-implementation)

Briefcase Engine Functionality

The briefcase-engine.js script acts as an API which, when called, returns all data related to locally available presentations, as well as the data of all associated slides.

The call will take the current presentations product (Clm_Presentation_vodc.Product_vod) and status (Clm_Presentation_vodc.Status_vod), therefore it will only ever give you presentations of the same status and product.

Briefcase Engine Implementation

To implement the briefcase engine, you will need to call briefcase.init(). This will not return anything, however you will then have access to the briefcase.data array. This array should consist of all presentations available with matching status and products.

Example briefcase.init function:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async (e) => {
    await briefcase.init();

(If you want to find out what exacly briefcase.data is, you should be able to enter it into your console to view all presentations (and associated key messages)).

Here is an example of the briefcase.data array:

        presentationName: "nameOfPresentation",
        presentationId: "idOfPresentation",
        status: "statusOfPresentation",
                keyMessageName: "nameOfKeyMessage",
                keyMessageStatus: "statusOfKeyMessage",
                keyMessageVersion: "versionOfKeyMessage",
                displayOrder: ~Number~,
                mediaFileName: "distributionPackageName.zip"
    }, {

Important Notes:

  • Since the script fires on load, as you add more calls to the Veeva API you will need to ensure the calls are asynchronous. Due to Veeva API limits (1 call at a time), you will need to ensure all calls are async, otherwise one of your scripts may fail.

  • The briefcase is designed to set the data in local storage under the key presentationData. This optimizes the flow of the briefcase calls so that it only runs on the first load of the first slide. If you are developing for windows and do not have access to local storage, it will re-run the briefcase-engine and set briefcase.data to the data from the briefcase-engine call.

Briefcase Widget

The briefcase-widget.js is not a required script, but compliments the briefcase-engine.js file. It calls on the available data (briefcase.data) and utilizes it in the front end. The standard use cases are:

  • Dynamic Briefcase
  • Static Briefcase
  • Hotspots

There will be more on this under Briefcase Wdiget Implementation

If you want to create custom functionality, developers can create their own front end widget or functionality by implementing the briefcase-engine.js. This script gives globally available presentation data required for the functionality to work. All available data will be available in briefcase.data.

If utilizing this script you will need to remove hotspot.js, as this functionality overlaps. This has known issues with the history buttons in Veeva.

Briefcase Widget Implementation

In order to implement the briefcase-widget.js script, you will need to call briefcase_widget.init() after the briefcase script runs. Here is an example of the briefcase widget implementation:

Example of briefcase_widget.init() implementation:

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async (e) => {
    /* Initialize the script to get the data, store it in briefcase.data */
    await briefcase.init();

    /* Initiate the widget. Pulls data from briefcase.data variable and utilizes it on the front end based off of data attributes */
    await briefcase_widget.init();

Note: since the briefcase_widget is dependent on the briefcase.data be sure to take that into account when calling the scripts.

Static Briefcase

The static briefcase returns a presentation object. It is used in cases where you have one presentation with some slides you require hotspots to. It will be set on the element you want your briefcase appended to within your HTML. This element, should have the attribute data-briefcase-static and it should be equal to the Presentation Id you require access to.

For example, if you need access to a presentation with a Presentation Id :briefcase_pdfs, you would have the following markup:

<div data-briefcase-static="briefcase_pdfs">

If it can find a presentation id within the data returned from he briefcase-engine, it should return markup within the element that looks like this:

<div data-briefcase-static="briefcase_pdfs">
    <ul class="briefcase-list">
        <li class="list-item" data-slide="distributionMediaFileName.zip" data-presentation="presentationId">{SlideName}</li>

If there are any issues with your call or if no available presentations with that presentation Id, the function will stop.

Thing to consider:

  • If you have a list of PDFs in a binder, you can disable Swipe_vod and Navigation_vod on Key_Message_vod level. This ensures the user cannot swipe between PDF slides.
Dynamic Briefcase

The dynamic briefcase code does something very similar to the static briefcase, however it allows you to create a briefcase by passing in a query (it should be a string). There are two required steps to implementation: 1. Veeva Vault - In the associated vault, any presentations you require within your briefcase, add a prefix to the Presentation Id. Example: briefcase_asset:presentationId - If you require a specific order, you can add a number to the end of the prefix. This will allow you to set the index. Example: briefcase_asset_1:presentationId. If you have some with number and not others the ones without numbers will be set after the numbered items.

  1. Code - Within your HTML, add a data-briefcase-dynamic attribute. This should equal the prefix value mentioned previously. If no value is found a warning will show in the console and no briefcase will be created.

It is important to note that the dynamic briefcase will always add hotspots to the first slide in a presentation.

@TODO Specific briefcase id format (maybe validation?)

Example markup:

<div data-briefcase-dynamic="briefcase_asset">
     <ul class="briefcase-list">
        <li class="list-item" data-slide="distributionMediaFileName.zip" data-presentation="briefcase_asset_1:presentationId">{SlideName}</li>

Things to consider:

  • Take care in naming your prefix value, this should be mutually agreed upon with the client.

This functionality takes two parameters: 1. Presentation ID - Use data-presentation 2. Key Message Name - Use data-slide-name

It will dynamically insert the required data based on the above query values. It will then create a tappable hotspot anywhere within your presentation. If successful in the queries, it will add a data-slide attribute that is the media file required for the veeva gotoSlide function to work. If the presentation id does not exist, or the data-slide-name does not exist, a warning should be output in your console and nothing will get appeneded to your element.

Example Markup:

<div data-presentation="presentationId" data-slide-name="keyMessageName" data-slide="keyMessageZipName.zip">


Device Requirements

These scripts have been tested on an iPad Pro iOS v12.x-v14.x

Important for Windows: If developing for CLM content on a windows device, you will not have access to local storage. The briefcase-engine will fire on each slide load and set the briefcase.data variable with the data required for the widget to run.

CRM Permission Requirements

In order for all queries to work as needed, you will need to ensure that both your CLM end-user has the appropriate permissions. This is a detailed list of all objects and fields these scripts rely on to function successfully. | Object Name | Field Name | Description | Permissions (Read, Write) | |-------------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | Clm_Presentation_vodc | Name | Name of CLM Presentation set in Veeva Vault (Binder Name) | Read | | | Presentation_Id_vodc | Presentation Id set in Veeva Vault | Read | | | Id | CRM Id created within Salesforce, not referenced in Veeva Vault | Read | | | Status_vodc | Status of current presentation. Note: Draft in vault gets converted to Staged status once in Salesforce | Read | | | | | | | Clm_Presentation_Slide_vodc | Name | MAY NOT BE NEEDED - CONFIRM | | | | Id | CRM Id created within Salesforce, not referenced in Veeva Vault | Read | | | Key_Message_vodc | Contains the Id of the associated Key_Message_vodc.Id field. This is not referenced in Veeva Vault. | Read | | | Clm_Presentation_vodc | Contains the Id of the associated Clm_Presentation_vodc.Id. This is not referenced in Veeva Vault | Read | | | Display_Order_vodc | Order in which the Slide appears in the associated Clm_Presentation_vodc binder. | Read | | | | | | | Key_Message_vodc | Name | Name of the slide set in Veeva Vault | Read | | | Id | Id set in Salesforce, associates to the Clm_Presentation_Slide_vodc.Key_Message_vodc field. | Read | | | Vault_DNS_vodc | The URL for the associated Veeva Vault, helpful for debugging what is getting pulled into your data. | Read | | | Slide_Version_vodc | Version of the slide being pulled in | Read | | | Status_vodc | Status of the slide being pulled in (this should always match the Clm_Presentation_vodc.Status_vodc field). | Read | | | Media_File_name_vod__c | File name required for the Veeva library API gotoSlide call. See Veeva CLM API Documentation here | Read |




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