0.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

broccoli-export-text v0.0.2

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9 years ago

Broccoli Export Text

Broccoli Export Text is a plugin that converts any files of a specified type into JavaScript files with ES6 module syntax and exports the original file's contents as a string. This can be helpful when JavaScript in the browser needs to manipulate the contents of a large string stored in a separate file, such as .html, .txt, or .whatever files.


$ npm install --save-dev broccoli-export-text


Given the following directory structure:

├── Brocfile.js
└── app/
    ├── index.html
    ├── app.js
    ├── foo.bar
    └── baz.bar

...to convert the .bar files into .js files that export the original file's contents as a string, in your Brocfile.js file add:

var exportText = require('broccoli-export-text');
tree = exportText(tree, {
  extensions: 'bar'

Now the tree will be modified accordingly:

├── Brocfile.js
└── app/
    ├── index.html
    ├── app.js
    ├── foo.js  <-- previously foo.bar
    └── baz.js  <-- previously baz.bar

The new foo.js and baz.js files can be used as follows:

// foo.bar (original)
this is foo.bar!

// foo.js
export default 'this is foo.bar!';

// app.js
import foo from './foo';
console.log(foo); // this is foo.bar!


extensions {String | Array of Strings}

A string (or array of strings) with the extension(s) for the type of files that should be converted to JavaScript files.

Default: 'txt'.

jsesc {Object}

Any options to be passed to jsesc, a library for escaping JavaScript Strings. Read more about the jsesc options at https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsesc.

Default: {quotes: 'single', wrap: true }


This project is distributed under the MIT license.