0.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

broccoli-module-alchemist v0.3.0

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8 years ago

Broccoli Module Alchemist

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A Broccoli plugin for transpiling TypeScript and JavaScript code written with standard module syntax ("ES6 modules") into legacy module formats, like UMD, AMD and CommonJS.


Broccoli Module Alchemist is a Broccoli plugin that can be used from your project's ember-cli-build.js or Brocfile.js.

Here's an example ember-cli-build.js file:

var alchemist = require('broccoli-module-alchemist');

module.exports = function() {
  return alchemist();

Authoring JavaScript and TypeScript

Place your package's source code in a root src directory. TypeScript files should have the extension .ts, while JavaScript files should have the extension .js.

Make sure to use the standard module syntax for importing dependencies and specifying exports.


When your package is built (either by running ember build or broccoli build), the transpiled output will be placed into the dist directory.

In all cases, the source JavaScript or TypeScript is compiled to an ES5 target for maximum compatibility across browsers and Node.js versions. For example, the JavaScript module output contains ES6 module syntax but all other code is converted to ES5.

dist/jsJavaScript (ES6) modules, ES5 code
dist/umd/package-name.jsUMD (AMD if detected, global in browser, CommonJS in Node)



In your package.json:

  1. Add a main entry pointing to dist/cjs/index.js (or whatever your entry point is).
  2. Add a jsnext:main entry pointing to dist/js/index.js.


We do not recommend supporting Bower, but if you would like to for backwards-compatibility, consider creating a new repository on GitHub and publishing a bower.json there, along with whatever directories in dist you want to support (probably UMD).