0.1.2 • Published 11 years ago

broccoli-spelunk v0.1.2

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Last release
11 years ago


Flatten a folder to a .js/.json representation of its contents, a la spelunk.


$ npm install broccoli-spelunk


In your brocfile.js (or, if you're using grunt-broccoli for example, in your target's config property), add something like the following:

var flattenFolder = require( 'broccoli-spelunk' );

var json = flattenFolder( 'data', {
	outputFile: 'data.json'

module.exports = json;

This will recursively read all the files and folders inside the data folder, flattening them to a JavaScript object representation. This data can be output as JSON, AMD, Common JS, or as an ES6 module.


First, you will need to have broccoli-cli installed:

$ npm i -g broccoli-cli

Clone this repo, run npm i to install dependencies, then run broccoli serve. This will flatten the contents of the example folder.

Browse to localhost:4200/data.json to see the result. As you add, edit and remove files inside the example folder, keep refreshing this URL (or install LiveReload for Chrome so you don't have to) to see the JSON file updated.


Here are some example options. They are all blank by default except mode, which defaults to 'json'.

tree = flattenFolder( inputTree, {
	// This is the only required option. If you're using a mode other
	// than 'json', be sure to change the file extension to '.js'
	outputFile: 'data.json',

	// To exclude files, pass in a string or array of patterns to ignore.
	// You can use minimatch glob patterns
	exclude: '**/README.md'

	// Supported options are 'json', 'amd', 'cjs' and 'es6'.
	// The default is 'json'
	mode: 'json',

	// These options only apply to 'json' mode, and are treated as the
	// second and third arguments to `JSON.stringify`

	// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_native_JSON#The_replacer_parameter
	replacer: null,
	space: '  '


Contributing & feedback

Issues and pull requests welcome. I'm @Rich_Harris on Twitter.
