0.0.1 โ€ข Published 2 years ago

brok-monorepo v0.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago

Development requirements

Getting started

Run make dev

To delete and clear all instances and data run make clean


Choose either vs ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป With tasks in VSCode (preferred) or ๐Ÿ’ป With make

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป With tasks in VSCode (preferred)

In VScode, run task dev ( โ‡งโŒ˜B workbench.action.tasks.runTask).

This will fire up all projects in watch mode so you can develop and experience imdiate results (hopefully across pacakges). The graph takes some time to start. Once it is started it will keep running in docker as long as your captable contracts terminal is running. terminal_tabs

๐Ÿ’ป With make

Run make start, this will fire up all projects in watch mode so you can develop and experience imdiate results (hopefully across pacakges).

To run The Graph locally, open a new terminal and run make graph-start. This will fire up the docker image, which takes some time and deploys your current capTableRegistry. This requires make start to be running in the background, spesifically the hardhat node.

To see avaiable commands run make



So SDK and Captable are NPM packages that needs to be published for changes to propegate. Graph, demo-server and demo-frontend needs to be deployed to their enviroments to progegate changes.

build                           - builds everything
deploy:destroy [env]            - Fulle destroys all deployed heroku apps for env
deploy:frontend [env]           - Deploys frontend to Heroku
deploy:graph [env]              - Deploys graph to Graph hosted services
deploy:server [env]             - Deploys server to Heroku
publish                         - publish packages with changes


pnpx task deploy dev will deploy graph, demo-server and demo-frontend to their hosting enviroments for enviroment dev

pnpx task deploy:server dev will deploy graph to its hosting enviroments for enviroment `dev

pnpx task publish will publish packages wich changes (interactive) to NPM.

To be able to deploy to Heroku, NPN og The Ghrap hosted service you must have access. Request from admin.

Ugly hacks

  • If the blockchain node (running inside the captable contracts terminal) is killed, the graph node will stop indexing. To fire it up again run make graph-stop then make graph-start.
  • Tasks that errors will continue to run. Should swap out task system for something that can handle errors in shell.