0.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

browse-directory v0.0.3

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Last release
7 years ago


NodeJS Module for browsing directories recursively.

NPM version


npm install browse-directory

How to use

Run the app

var browseDir = require("browse-directory");
var tree = browseDir.browse("directory");

Just require the module and call search function with the path name of the search root directory

Then, to run app, you just have to run command :

node index

This will show you a browsing results

How to exploit the results

You have two part of results : "the Tree Result" and the "Tree detailed presentation" To get the tree detailed presentation of result, do the following :


By calling the showTree function of browseDir, which take a tree object, returned by the previously used browse function

NB : We can also brow all files or folders inside a search directory

Get Files inside a Directory
var dirFiles = browseDir.browseFiles("directory");


Get all files of folder "directory"

Get Folders inside a Directory
var dirDirs = browseDir.browseDirs("directory");


Get all directories of folder "directory"

The Tree Result

This is the first browsing result, which contain all the files and directories containing in the root directory.

Using browse function

It is a javascript objet which contain tables with others javascript objects, using key - values. Every directory name is a key of a new javascript object in the root object result. In this case, the first object key is the name of a search directort, and the others are the names of result directories.

So, to browse our collection, we must first browse the first root object and each directory obtained, retrieve its content via the same collection, through its name like key.

Using browseFiles or browseDirs functions

It is a table which contain javascript objects, using key - values. Every object of collection represent a directory or file result, with properties like : the type, the name and the relative path.

We just have to browse our collection result to get all the files or directories informations.

Tree detailed presentation

It is a simple browse of The tree result, presented previously !.

Complete example

	var browseDir = require("browse-directory");

	// Browse folder "directory"
	var dirTree = browseDir.browse("directory");

	// Show tree

	// Get all files of folder "directory"
	var dirFiles = browseDir.browseFiles("directory");

	// Get all directories of folder "directory"
	var dirDirs = browseDir.browseDirs("directory");

Will Show

	 Level ==> root

	  # Contains :
	    - {"type":"dir","src":"dir1"}

	    * dir1 ---> [{"type":"dir","src":"dir2"}]
	    - {"type":"file","src":"file1.txt"}

	 Level ==> dir1

	  # Contains :
	    - {"type":"dir","src":"dir2"}

	    * dir2 ---> []

	 Level ==> dir2

	  # Contains :

	   Files browsing : [{"type":"file","name":"file1.txt","src":"directory/file1.txt"}]
	   Directories browsing : [{"type":"dir","name":"dir1","src":"directory/dir1"},{"type":"dir","name":"dir2","src":"directory/dir1/dir2"}]



Enjoy it !