0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

browser-if v0.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago

#browserIf An angular one-time bound ng-if-like directive that shows an element based on the browser. It is one-time bound to make it as swift and lightweight as possible.


First, install the component via bower like so:

bower install browser-if


npm install browser-if

Include in your file and add it as a dependency to your angular application, like so:

angular.module('myApp', [ 'browserIf' ]


BrowserIf comes with a nifty directive which you can pass a list of browsers to and if the list contains the current browser, the transcluded content will show. BrowserIf sets a high priority for evaluation (600, same as ngIf) which means that appending any other directives to the element will not cause them to be evaluated until browser-if evaluates to true.

    browser-if="chrome, opera"

Matching Service

The directive uses a matching service that detects your current browser and matches a browser name against it. You can use this service in lieu of the directive.

angular.module('myApp', ['browserIf'])
  .controller('MyController', MyController)

MyController.$inject = ['matchBrowser'];

function MyController(matchBrowser) {
  var conditionalBrowsers = ['chrome', 'opera'];

  if(matchBrowser.evaluate(conditionalBrowsers)) {
    //do this

Available browsers

Since matching a browser is hard work (it's not as simple as doing a navigator.browserName!), there are only a handful of browsers currently available. If you'd like to add more, open a PR. We'll add more organically with time:

  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • IE
  • Firefox


Where we want to head in the future!

  1. expand the number of supported browsers, namely: iOS browser, Android browser, and Windows Phone browser.
  2. allow matching aliases: MSIE (instead of IE), FF (instead of Firefox), WP (windows phone), etc.
  3. allow matching underlying technology: webkit, chakra, Gecko, etc.
  4. allow version matching like so: <div browser-if="chrome > 34, IE > 8"></div>