0.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

browsermob-proxy-client-nodejs v0.0.0

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8 years ago


HTTP client is interacting with BrowserMobProxy backend trough REST API. With LittleProxy implementation only. ##Installation

npm i browsermob-proxy-client-nodejs


const bmpClient = require('browsermob-proxy-client-nodejs');

const bmpHost = ''; //ip where BrowserMob Proxy was started
const bmpPort = 9090; //tcp port where BrowserMob Proxy was started

let browserMobProxyClient = undefined;

(new bmpClient(bmpHost, bmpPort)).create()
  .then((client) => {
    //Browser Mob Client
    browserMobProxyClient = client;
  .then(() => {
  //start capture a traffic
    return browserMobProxyClient.newHar();
  .then(() => {
    //make some request through browsermob proxy, that has started above
    const proxy = `http://${bmpHost}:${browserMobProxyClient.port}` 
    return makeSomeRequestThroughProxy(proxy); //it is a imaginary function
  .then(() => {
    //get HAR
    return browserMobProxyClient.getHar();
 .then((har) => {
    //make some action with HAR
 .catch((value) => {done(new Error(value));});

##Usage First, you must start BrowserMob Proxy something like :

java -jar ./path/to/browsermobproxy.jar -port 9090

Ok, we may start coding:


Include browsermob-proxy-client-nodejs module in your application :

const bmp = require('browsermob-proxy-client-nodejs');


Create an object(bmpSet) for service set of browserMob Proxy instances. :

const bmpHost = '';
const bmpPort = 9090; 

const bmpSet = new bmp(bmpHost, bmpPort);


Now, we are ready to create client for interacting with BrowserMob Proxy. Then, we can invoke all methods, that described below. Each method is Promise.

  .then((client) => {
    return client.close();


If you want control all of clients instance, you may use controllingMethods. Each method is Promise, too.

  .then((list) => {
    //print : [{port : 8080}, {port : 8081}, {port : 8083}]

##Client methods

newHar(boolCaptureHeaders, boolCaptureBody, boolCaptureAllContent, pageRef, pageTitle)

Creates a new HAR attached to the proxy and returns the HAR content if there was a previous HAR

boolCaptureHeadersbooleantruecapture headers or not
boolCaptureBodybooleanfalsecapture content bodies or not
boolCaptureAllContentbooleanfalsecapture binary content or not.
pageRefstring"Page 1"the string name of the first page ref that should be used in the HAR
pageTitlestring"Page 1"the title of first HAR page

Fulfill returned value : Object that represent HAR

startPage(newPageTitleObject, pageRef, pageTitle)

Starts a new page on the existing HAR

pageRefstring"Page N"The string name of the first page ref that should be used in the HAR.
pageTitlestring"Page N"The title of new HAR page

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Shuts down the proxy and closes the port.

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Returns the JSON/HAR content representing all the HTTP traffic passed through the proxy (provided you have already created the HAR with this method)

Fulfill returned value : Object that represent HAR


Displays whitelisted items

Fulfill returned value : Array of urls which have set before by setWhiteList() method

setWhiteList(httpCodeStatus, regexps)

Sets a list of URL patterns to whitelist

httpCodeStatusnumberthe HTTP status code to return for URLs that do not match the whitelist.
regexpsstringa comma separated list of regular expressions.

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Clears all URL patterns from the whitelist

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Displays blacklisted items

Fulfill returned value : Array of object that represent black list item

Fulfill returned value description : It's one object desccription from array

urlPatternstringincoming regexp for blocking
statusCodenumberincoming http code is returned for blocked url
httpMethodPatternstringincoming regular expression for matching HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc). If null processing all HTTP method.
methodstringregular expression for matching HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc). If null processing all HTTP method.
responseCodenumberhttp code is returned for blocked url
patternstringincoming regexp for blocking

setBlackList(httpCodeStatus, regexp, methodsRegexp)

Setup url to black list

httpCodeStatusnumberThe HTTP status code to return for URLs that are blacklisted
regexpstringThe blacklist regular expression
methodsRegexpstringThe regular expression for matching HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc). Optional, by default processing all HTTP method

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Clears all URL patterns from the blacklist

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Sets the downstream bandwidth limit in kbps


LimitsSetterObject : object

Object for setting up limits of BrowserMob Proxy

downstreamKbpsnumberDownstream bandwidth limit in kbps
downstreamBpsnumberDownstream bandwidth limit in bit per second
upstreamKbpsnumberUpstream bandwidth limit in kbps
upstreamBpsnumberUpstream bandwidth limit in bit per second
downstreamMaxKBnumberSpecifies how many kilobytes in total the client is allowed to download through the proxy
upstreamMaxKBnumberSpecifies how many kilobytes in total the client is allowed to upload through the proxy
latencynumber0Add the given latency to each HTTP request. By default all requests are invoked without latency
enablebooleanfalseA boolean that enable bandwidth limiter. Setting any of the properties above will implicitly enable throttling
payloadPercentagenumberSpecifying what percentage of data sent is payload, e.g. use this to take into account overhead due to tcp/ip
maxBitsPerSecondnumberThe max bits per seconds you want this instance of StreamManager to respect

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Displays the amount of data remaining to be uploaded/downloaded until the limit is reached

Fulfill returned value : LimitsGetterObject

Fulfill returned value description :

LimitsGetterObject : object

Object describes amount of data remaining to be uploaded/downloaded until the limit is reached

maxUpstreamKBnumberShow maxUpstreamKB set by setLimits
maxDownstreamKBnumberShow maxDownstreamKB set by setLimits
remainingUpstreamKBnumberShow how many kilobytes will be uploaded before the limit is reached
remainingDownstreamKBnumberShow how many kilobytes will be downloaded before the limit is reached


Set and override HTTP Request headers

headersobjectRepresents set of headers, where key is a header name and value is a value of HTTP header

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Overrides normal DNS lookups and remaps the given hosts with the associated IP address

dnsobjectRepresents set of of hosts, where key is a host name and value is a IP address which associated with host name

Fulfill returned value : undefined

setAutoAuthentication(auth, domain)

Sets automatic basic authentication for the specified domain. This method supports only BASIC authentication.

authobjectObject describes authentication data
domainstringAt the domain will be applying basic auth

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Wait till all request are being made

waitObjectobjectObject describes waits data
waitObject.quietPeriodInMsnumberamount of time after which network traffic will be considered "stopped"
waitObject.timeoutInMsnumbermaximum amount of time to wait for network traffic to stop

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Handles different proxy timeouts. The new LittleProxy implementation requires that all timeouts be set before start Proxy, because of it tests skipped.

timeoutObjobjectDescribes timeout object
timeoutObj.requestTimeoutnumberRequest timeout in milliseconds. timeout value of -1 is interpreted as infinite timeout.
timeoutObj.readTimeoutnumberRead timeout in milliseconds. Which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
timeoutObj.connectionTimeoutnumberDetermines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
timeoutObj.dnsCacheTimeoutnumberSets the maximum length of time that records will be stored in this Cache. A nonpositive value disables this feature

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Redirecting URL's

redirectObjDescribes redirect object
redirectObj.matchRegexstringa matching URL regular expression
redirectObj.replacestringreplacement URL

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Removes all URL redirection rules currently in effect

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Setting the retry count

numberOfTriesnumberThe number of times a method will be retried

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Empties the DNS cache

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Describe your own request interception. See details explanation here

rulestringa string which determines interceptor rules.

Fulfill returned value : undefined


Describe your own response interception. See details explanation here

rulestringa string which determines interceptor rules.

Fulfill returned value : undefined

##Controlling methods


Receives list of all proxies, which were started.

Fulfill returned value : Array of object that represent proxy info

Fulfill returned value description : It's one object description from array

proxyInfo : object

Object that represent proxy info

portnumbertcp port, where proxy was started


Creates new instance of browserMob Proxy Client

Fulfill returned value : Instance of browserMob Proxy Client


Returns own proxy list. Returned proxies belong only to current instance of browserMob Proxy Client

Fulfill returned value : Array of object that represent proxy info

Fulfill returned value description : It's one object description from array

proxyInfo : object

Object that represent proxy info

portnumbertcp port, where proxy was started


Closes all proxies belong to current set of BrowserMob Proxy clients.

Fulfill returned value : undefined

##If you use a some webdriver module for Node.JS

Suppose you are using webdriverio and want change User-Agent header. Let's go

const bmp = require('browsermob-proxy-client-nodejs');
const webdriverio = require('webdriverio');

//helper for starting browser trough our Browser Mob Proxy
const initWithProxy = (seleniumPort, proxyHost, proxyPort) => {
    const options = {
        port : seleniumPort,
        desiredCapabilities: {
            browserName: 'firefox',
            proxy : {
                proxyType : 'manual',
                httpProxy : `${proxyHost}:${proxyPort}`
    return webdriverio.remote(options).init();

//connection info (browserMob Proxy and Selenium)
const bmpHost = '';
const bmpPort = 9090;

const seleniumPort = 4444;

//create browsermob proxy controlling instance
const bmpSet = new bmp(bmpHost, bmpPort);

//rule for change header
const headerName = 'User-Agent';
const headerValue = 'YOUR AWESOME USER';
const interceptionRule = `request.headers().add('${headerName}', '${headerValue}');`;

//here we will be storing client instance
let  browserMobProxyClient = undefined;

//create browsermob client instance
  .then((client) => {
      //Browser Mob Client
      browserMobProxyClient = client;
      //set up our or override current header
      return browserMobProxyClient.setRequestInterception(interceptionRule);
  .then(() => {
    //Create new selenium session
    return initWithProxy(seleniumPort, bmpHost, browserMobProxyClient.port)
  .catch((error) => {/*error handling*/});