1.0.4 • Published 7 years ago

bs-escrow v1.0.4

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Last release
7 years ago


A js wrapper around BSEscrow contract to simplify its consumption.


npm install bs-escrow



  • Every method of BSEscrow's api has been promisified.
  • Some of its methods require to call personal under the hood in order to unlock an account.


Import BSEscrow module and create an instance passing by constructor a Web3 instance, a BSToken instance and a config object with the next values:

const BSEscrow = require('bs-escrow');
const lib = new BSEscrow(web3, token, {
	    admin: {
	        account: admin,
	        password: password
	    contractEscrow: {
	        abi: abi,
	        address: address

Api consumption


balanceOf(targetAddress) returns the total amount of tokens available for the specified address.

getEscrow(assetId) returns an object representing an escrow containing these properties: buyer, seller, assetPrice and state (0 = Held, 1 = Cancelled, 2 = Fulfilled, 3 = BuyerProposeCancellation, 4 = SellerDisagreeProposalCancellation).


createEscrow(buyer, buyerPass, seller, assetPrice, assetId) the merchant creates an escrow.

cancelEscrow(passwordSeller, assetId) the seller cancels an existing escrow.

cancelEscrowProposal(passwordBuyer, assetId) the buyer makes a proposal to cancel the escrow.

validateCancelEscrowProposal(passwordSeller, assetId, validate) the seller validates a proposal of cancellation.

cancelEscrowArbitrating(passwordOwner, assetId) the merchant cancels the escrow using arbitration when the escrow has been reached a conflict state.

fulfillEscrow(passwordBuyer, assetId) the buyer fulfills the escrow.

fulfillEscrowArbitrating(passwordOwner, assetId) the merchant fulfills the escrow using arbitration when the escrow has been reached a conflict state.