0.1.3 • Published 5 years ago

bs-google-autocomplete v0.1.3

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5 years ago

Reasonml Google Places Api Binding

Example reasonml google places api binding

Docs: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-autocomplete-addressform

view the example folder for an example react app, the main logic happens in input.re.


open Googleplaces

open Webapi.Dom

type state = | INIT | LOADED

type action = | GEOLOCATE

let componentForm = () => { "street_number": "short_name", "route": "long_name", "locality": "long_name", "administrative_area_level_1": "short_name", "country": "long_name", "postal_code": "short_name" };

let component_array = |"street_number","route","locality","administrative_area_level_1","country","postal_code"|

let fillInAddress = (autocomplete) => { let place = getPlace(autocomplete); let componentForm = componentForm(); let components = place##address_components; let component_array_length = Array.length(component_array); let component_length = Array.length(components);

let marshalled = marshall(components, component_length)

for (idx in 0 to componentarray_length -1) { let el = Document.getElementById(component_arrayidx, document); let () = switch (el) { | Some(element) => Element.setAttribute("value", "", element); Element.setAttribute("disabled", "false", element) | None => () }; }; for (idx in 0 to component_array_length -1) { let el = Document.getElementById(component_arrayidx, document); let () = switch (el) { | Some(element) => switch (component_arrayidx) { | "street_number" => Element.setAttribute("value", marshalled##street_number, element) | "route" => Element.setAttribute("value", marshalled##route, element) | "locality" => Element.setAttribute("value", marshalled##locality, element) | "administrative_area_level_1" => Element.setAttribute("value", marshalled##administrative_area_level_1, element) | "country" => Element.setAttribute("value", marshalled##country, element) | "postal_code" => Element.setAttribute("value", marshalled##postal_code, element) | => () } | None => () }; }; };

let geolocate = () => { let navigator = Window.navigator(window); };

let reducer = (action,_self) => switch(action) { | GEOLOCATE => geolocate(); ReasonReact.Update(LOADED)


let initAutocomplete = (id) => {

let el = autocomplete(Document.getElementById(id, document), types );

addListener(el, "place_changed", () => fillInAddress(el));

() };

let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("Input");

let make = (~placeholder, ~id, _children) => { ...component, initialState: () => INIT, reducer, didMount: self => { initAutocomplete(id); }, render: (self) =>