0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

bs-node-config v0.1.0

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5 years ago



Config library for nodejs, similar to node-config but strongly typed with validated type parsing. No need for Js.Nullable.t shims typical when just binding to js-libs.

Usage Examples

Assuming You Write file MyConfig.re:

module C = BsNodeConfig.Config;

 * loadConfig with default options searches for .json and .yaml files from ./config/
 * (loading may produce an error, therefore using getExn, which will throw if loading had errors)
let config: C.t = C.loadConfig() |> C.getExn;

Usage in other files/modules:

module C = BsNodeConfig.Config;
let config = MyConfig.config;

let myServerHost: string = config |> C.key("server.host") |> C.parseStringExn;
let myList: list(string) = config |> C.key("listOfWords") |> C.parseList(C.parseString) |> C.getExn;

/* This alternative style works too: */
let myServerPort: int = C.(fetchExn("server.port", parseInt, Config.config));

Config loading

Function C.loadConfig() searches config values from following sources in following order: 1. Loads config files: 1. From directory process.cwd() + "/config/" OR if env variable NODE_CONFIG_DIR is defined, that is used instead: 2. default.{json,yaml} is load if exists 3. Profile name defined by NODE_CONFIG_ENV if exists or NODE_ENV if exists -> loads file ${profileName}.{json,yaml} if exists 4. local.{json,yaml} is load if exists 2. Loads Environment Variables 1. Loads CONFIG_JSON contents 2. Reads file custom-environment-variables.{json,yaml}, which contains ENV variable name override definitions for various config keys (this is identical to: node-config), -> loads overrides from the defined env variables that are found. 3. Fallback to empty config if nothing from the above exists.