0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

bs-react-ssr-prepass v0.1.0

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5 years ago


BuckleScript bindings for react-ssr-prepass. This allows you to use React Suspense for data fetching on the server-side in ReasonML.


These bindings expose a single function, ssrPrepass, that allows you to walk your React tree and look for thrown Promises to trigger Suspense. The argument passed to this function is a polymorphic variant with two possible constructors.

  | `PrepassNode(React.element)
  | `PrepassNodeVisitor(React.element, visitor)

If you just want to have react-ssr-prepass walk your React tree (or a part of it) and suspend on any thrown Promises, just use the first constructor.

let prepass = ReactSSRPrepass.ssrPrepass(`PrepassNode(<App />));

|> Js.Promise.then_(() => {
     Js.log("Prepass has finished. Server render the app!");
     Js.Promise.resolve(() => ());

You can also pass a custom visitor function to react-ssr-prepass that will visit each React element in your application and allow you to execute custom data fetching logic based on the element.

let prepass = ReactSSRPrepass.ssrPrepass(`PrepassNodeVisitor(<App />, element => {
  /* Inspect the element as you like to call custom data fetching logic. */

|> Js.Promise.then_(() => {
     Js.log("Prepass has finished. Server render the app!");
     Js.Promise.resolve(() => ());

Because ReasonReact doesn't expose any utilities for you to introspect React elements themselves (i.e. examine their type, key, or props directly), the ReactSSRPrepass module exposes a few useful functions to deal with this. The first is toElementJS. This function takes in a React.element and returns a [@bs.deriving abstract] object representing the raw React element. You can then use the accessors provided by the [@bs.deriving abstract] to access those fields. An example will help make this clear:

let _ =
      <App />,
      element => {
        /* Get the type property off the element. */
        let elementType =
          ReactSSRPrepass.toElementJS(element) |> ReactSSRPrepass.type_Get;

        /* Get the type property off an arbitrary Component. */
        let componentType =
          |> ReactSSRPrepass.toElementJS
          |> ReactSSRPrepass.type_Get;

        /* Check if the types match. */
        if (elementType === componentType) {
          /* Execute specific data fetching logic for this element. */
          Js.log("Execute data fetching logic!");

        /* Return undefined. You can also return a promise from this function. */

Note that toElementJS takes advantage of BuckleScript's %identity trick. It's a bandaid solution as long as we can't get fully type-safe access to the internals of ReasonReact.element.