0.2.0 • Published 5 years ago

bs-retable v0.2.0

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5 years ago


A sortable selectable *table for ReasonReact.


type president = {
  name: string,
  year: int,
  city: string,
  state: string,

module PresidentTable =
    type t = president;
    let getItemID = president => president.name;
    let columns = [
      ReTable.textColumn("Name", el => el.name),
      ReTable.intColumn("Year", el => el.year),
      ReTable.textColumn("City", el => el.city),
      ReTable.textColumn("State", el => el.state),

let presidents: list(president) = [
    name: "George Washington",
    year: 1732,
    city: "Westmoreland County",
    state: "Virginia",
  {name: "John Adams", year: 1735, city: "Braintree", state: "Massachusetts"},
  {name: "Thomas Jefferson", year: 1743, city: "Shadwell", state: "Virginia"},

let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent(__MODULE__);

let make = (_children: array(ReasonReact.reactElement)) => {
  render: _self => <PresidentTable data=presidents />,

For more usages examples, see the examples folder.


yarn add bs-retable

Then add it to bsconfig.json

"bs-dependencies": [

Design Decisions

Q: Why a module type?

I went through a lot of design phase for the selection of components. The table data is a parametrized type, and so it is impossible to store it in a state. Alternative solutions were to store the IDs of the items, or delegate the selection state to the user. The former is a less-than optimal solution and the latter gives a really bad UX.

Q: How does it deal with the updates of the parent components?

A problem occurs when the parent component re-renders. To solve this issue, we match previous items in the state of the table to new ones. For instance, if you have a selectable table with an option to fetch more data from the server, when the new data is received and sent to the table, we try to match previous item ID to new ones so that previously selected items keep their state.


  • Implement selection
  • Implement sorting
  • Implement pagination
  • Implement filtering