0.1.2 • Published 5 years ago
bt-mut v0.1.2
Sync folders with mutable Bittorrent links
Run it with npx
npx bt-mut --help
Run npx bt-mut
to turn your current folder into a torrent and get a magnet.
You can re-run the command on your folder to update it.
Run npx bt-mut magnet:?xs=whatever
to sync a torrent into a local folder.
You can re-run the command to get updates.
After the initial sync you can also run npx bt-mut
without arguments since the magnet URL is being saved in a .bt
CLI Help Output
bit-sync [torrent]
Sync your folder with a torrent
torrent A magnet link for a torrent [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--path, -p Where to sync the torrent. Defaults to current path
[string] [default: "/home/mauve/programming/bt-mut"]
--secret-storage The location that secrets should be stored in. Defaults to
user folder