1.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

bucket-collector v1.1.1

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Last release
8 years ago



Uses the Server-Eye Bucket-API to get notification-messages from Server-Eye.

Reacts the received messages depending on the selected reactiontype.


To install and run this application Git and NodeJS are required.

After installing Git and NodeJS, use the command npm install bucket-collector to download the current version of the bucket-collector and its depending modules.

Depending on the desired reaction, additional configuration is required (see Reactions).


To update the bucket-collector to the most current version follow these steps:

  1. Stop the bucket-collector if it is running.
  2. Copy the content of the data-directory (by default ./node_modules/bucket-collector/data/) to a new directory outside of the ./node_modules/bucket-collector-directory
  • All data in the ./node_modules/bucket-collector-directory will be overwritten in the update-process, so saving your backup here will result in a loss of data!
  1. Use the command npm install bucket-collector to download the current version of the bucket-collector and its depending modules.
  2. Copy the files from step 2 back into the data-directory.
  3. Start the bucket-collector.

Starting application

Run the command node node_modules/bucket-collector to start the bucket-collector in production-mode. In production-mode the web interface runs by default on port 8080.

Command-line options

The following command-line options are available:

  • -h, --help: outputs the usage information
  • -V, --version: outputs the version number of the currently installed version
  • -d, --development: starts the application in development-mode, which enables additional logging. In development mode, the web interface defaults to port 8082.
  • -c, --clean: Removes all settings and saved bucket data. The bucket collector has to be configured again using the web interface (see Configuration).
  • -P, --port <n>: Overrides the default-port of the web interface with the given port.
  • -R, --reactionDir [path]: Overrides the path from which all reactions are loaded. Absolute pathing is recommended.
  • -D, --dataDir [path]: Overrides the path where all data is saved. Absolute pathing is recommended.
  • -L, --logDir [path]: Overrides the path where the logFile is created. Absolute pathing is recommended.


After starting the application, use the web interface to add the remaining settings. All changes made in the web interface do not require a restart of the application. Use a webbrowser to access the web interface, for example in production-mode use

Use /settings to edit your current settings:

  1. Use your OCC-Login to generate an API-Key for the bucket-collector. If the API-Key is successfully generated, the list with the available buckets will update.
  2. Select your desired bucketaction from the dropdown-menu.
  3. Edit the poll-interval to match your desired settings.
  4. Select the buckets you want to use from the available buckets.
  • Buckets can be created/updated/deleted using the occ.
  1. Do not forget to apply your settings by clicking the Save Settings-Button

After all settings are set, the web interface can be used to view statistics for the active buckets.


A reaction describes the action taken for each received message. All reactions are by default loaded from ./node_modules/bucket-collector/lib/reactiontypes/. New reactions have to be added there. By default this application has a reaction for the tanss-ticket-system as well as the autotask-ticket-system.


This reaction tries to create or update a tanss-ticket with the given bucket-message. Additional data is required to use the tanss-reaction.

1. config-template

Open the ./node_modules/bucket-collector/data/tanss-data-template.json-file. This file has to be conform to the JSON-format and looks like this by default:

    "apiKeys": {

2. tanss-url

Insert the url you use to access your tanss into the corresponding placeholder. Your URL should look something like this: https://tanss.something.de.

3. server-eye-customer-ids

Insert the server-eye-customer-ids of your customers into the corresponding placeholder fields. The customer-ids can be found by using the occ. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select your customer in the occ.
  2. In the right sidebar, click on the info-icon right of the customername.
  3. The now displayed cId is the server-eye-customer-id you are looking for.

A server-eye-customer-id is a 32 character string consisting of letters and numbers.

4. server-eye-api-key

The server-eye-api-key to your customer-ids have to be created using tanss. Follow these instructions to do so. After creation, insert your api-keys into the corresponding placeholders.

5. apply changes

If you are done inserting the data, save the file as tanss-data.json and restart the bucket-collector to make the changes take effect.


This reaction tries to create or update a autotask-ticket with the given bucket-message. Additional configuration is required to use the autotask-reaction.

1. ServerEyeStateID user-defined-field

First login into autotask and add a user-defined-field called ServerEyeStateID with the type Text (single line) to the ticket-entity. You can follow these instructions to do so. This field is used by the bucket-collector to identify the corrsponding server-eye agent/container-state with the autotask ticket.

2. config-template

Open the ./node_modules/bucket-collector/data/autotask-data-template.json-file. This file has to be conform to the JSON-format and looks like this by default:

    "username": "AUTOTASK-USERNAME",
    "password": "AUTOTASK-PASSWORD",
    "customerIDs": {

3. autotask-user/password

Insert the username and password of the autotask-user you want the bucket-collector to use to create and update tickets into the corresponding fields. It is recommended that you create a specific user for the bucket-collector, named Server-Eye for example. This user needs the right to create and update tickets.

4. defaultID

Insert the autotask-account-id of the customer you want the bucket-collector to default to as the defaultID. In autotask, the autotask-account-id of a customer can be found as id in the customers details-page. All tickets, whose server-eye-customer-id does not correspond to a autotask-account-id will be created for this customer. It is recommended to create a specific customer for this purpose (called Server-Eye-Tickets for example).

5. customerIDs

Insert the server-eye-customer-ids of your customers into the corresponding placeholder fields. The customer-ids can be found by using the occ. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select your customer in the occ.
  2. In the right sidebar, click on the info-icon right of the customername.
  3. The now displayed cId is the server-eye-customer-id you are looking for.

A server-eye-customer-id is a 32 character string consisting of letters and numbers.

Use autotask to get the autotask-account-id to the corresponding Server-Eye customers. In autotask, the autotask-account-id of a customer can be found as id in the customers details-page.

If you want the bucket-collector to only create tickets for the default-customer you can leave the customerIDs-field empty like this "customerIDs": {}.

6. apply changes

Your final autotask-data-template.json-file could look like this:

    "username": "server-eye-bucket-collector@yourcompany.com",
    "password": "superS3cr3t",
    "defaultID": 111111111,
    "customerIDs": {
        "1234somecoolsecustomerid11111111" : 11111111,
        "1234somecoolsecustomerid22222222" : 22222222,
        "1234somecoolsecustomerid33333333" : 33333333,

If you are done inserting the data, save the file as autotask-data.json and restart the bucket-collector to make the changes take effect.