2.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

bug-reporter-library v2.1.0

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3 years ago

Bug Reporter Library

bug-reporter-library is a library for reporting the bug and generating a bug report.


Note: Use yarn instead of npm

For adding the library in your App, run following command : $yarn add bug-reporter-library

Steps: to use this library in your project:

  1. Add this library to your application.
  2. Create a reference on your root components by using createRef hook

  3. provide a mandate reference props use function to pass prop library - getTarget and define this getTarget method by following

 const getTarget = () => {

 return ref.current;

  1. Provide the buttonStyle prop to library to set the position of button or else it will take default style as -

{ position: "fixed", bottom: 90, right: 100 }

  1. provide a API end-point as url prop for a post request call, to which it will submit a object with keys -

{image: , description: , ipAddress: , email: , browserName: , path: } and where image will hold image url of final marked image, description will hold bug description provided, path will hold path of the page url where bug is been reported, email will hold email address of the user who is reporting that bug, ipAddress will hold IP address and browserName will hold current browser name where application is been executed.

  1. Provide a reference prop onSubmitBug which will provide you a bug report in form of a object.Define this onSubmitBug method by following
 const onSubmitBug = (data) => {


 //can get all the useful information here


How to use this libraray-

  • Include this in your script.
        buttonStyle={{ position: "fixed", bottom: 90, right: 100 }}

How it works

After setting up all above in your project run yarn start to start your project.

  • Then user will get a button in your application by clicking it will be take into a Modal where they can have marker to chose different color and different size.now using it they can mark multiple bugs and put a description on each.

  • User will get reset button for reset your Modal screen and close button to close that model

  • also user can get one description box bellow the Modal where can describe more information and submit button will do a POST http request and all the useful information will send onto that given url end-point and will store there into database.

External Library it uses

  1. @ant-design/icons

  2. @tippy.js/react

  3. html2canvas

  4. use-react-screenshot