1.6.0 • Published 6 years ago

bunyan-buddy v1.6.0

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6 years ago


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Reduce the amount of Bunyan boilerplate code required with integration for Google Cloud Logging, ideal when working with microservices.

bunyan-buddy sets up a local stream using bunyan-prettystream (https://github.com/MaximusHaximus/node-bunyan-prettystrea) and a remote stream using @google-cloud/logging-bunyan. You can set the log levels for each using environment variables or as options when initializing it. For testing Google Cloud Logging locally, you can manually auth with it using a service account file.


const log = require('bunyan-buddy')(
    app: {
      name: 'my-app-name',      // defaults to 'app'
      version: '1.0.0',         // defaults to undefined
    local_level: 'debug',       // defaults to process.env.LOG_LEVEL_LOCAL or 'info'
    remote_level: 'info',       // defaults to process.env.LOG_LEVEL_REMOTE or not set

    // optionally auth with google cloud logging
    // defaults to not set (auth is automatic if hosted on Google Cloud Platform)
    remote_auth: {
        projectId: 'my-google-cloud-project',
        keyFilename: '/path/to/gcloud-auth.json',

log.info('This is logged locally and to Google Cloud Logging!');

log.debug('This is only logged locally (with the above options)');

log.error('This will log an error locally and on Google Cloud Logging, but not Google Cloud Error Reporting');

log.error(new Error('This will log in Google Cloud Error Reporting only if hosted on Google Cloud Platform'));