1.0.7 • Published 5 years ago
burieddot v1.0.7
How to use buriedDot?
This is a buried point plugin based on the vue framework
npm install buriedDot
use buriedDot
import BuriedDot from 'burieddot';
// 这里需要传入 router , callback, 60000 = 预设用户离开时间
BuriedDot(router, (mark, buriedData) => {
console.log('触发埋点的标记: ', mark)
console.log('获取到的埋点信息: ', buriedData);
* 触发埋点的标记mark: router(路由埋点) / click(点击事件埋点) / leave(用户离开/无操作 埋点) / close(关闭页面埋点)
* 埋点信息
* buriedData: {
* deviceData: {...} // 设备信息
* dotData: {...} // 埋点信息
* netData: {...} // 网络加载信息
* }
}, 60000);
Element plus data-dot Click on element to trigger buried point callback
<!-- 元素加上data-dot 点击元素触发埋点callback -->
<button data-dot="这里放置埋点信息">这是一个按钮</button>