4.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

ca-jobapply-frontend v4.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago

Job Apply Frontend


$ git clone git@github.com:SEEK-Jobs/ca-jobapply-frontend.git
$ cd ca-jobapply-frontend
$ npm install

You'll also need to ensure you have dev and stub subdomains setup in your /etc/hosts dev.seek.com.au stub.seek.com.au

Update the GraphQL schema

npm run update-schema

Getting Started

# Run the project locally.
$ npm start

Once the dev-server is running, you can view the project in your browser by visiting http://dev.seek.com.au:5012/job/1/apply

Data Toggles for API Mocks

Using the dev server, you can toggle whether or not API mocks return certain data. For example, once you've run npm start and the browser has opened, add ?resumesEnabled on to the end of the local Job Apply URL. This will return profile resumes for prefill.

Current Data Toggles

Unauthenticated: ?unauthenticated

Resumes: ?resumesEnabled

No most recent role: ?noRole

No privacy level set: ?noPrivacyLevel

Role requirements: http://dev.seek.com.au:5012/job/4/apply

Staged Apply: http://dev.seek.com.au:5012/job/4/apply?resumesEnabled&features=stagedApply

Logging in locally

  • Username: matching@seek.com.au
  • Password: password

Registering locally

  • Username: new@seek.com.au


# Build the application ready for deployment, with output going to ./dist
$ yarn run build

Normally the build step happens on Teamcity, and you will rarely need to run the command shown above. It is handy to do this from time to time, and to familiarise yourself with the layout of the built application, as it can help prevent nasty bugs resulting from incorrect paths and so forth.

Running Cypress tests

# First build the app, the below command will ensure the same data is used during run on the pipeline
$ yarn test:build

# Then run the tests
yarn test:cypress

Running tests

# Run the unit tests
$ yarn run test:unit
# Run the single chrome tests
$ yarn run test:testcafe

Running in docker

Buildkite agent (CI) runs everything in docker. To run locally using the docker image, use the ./docker-run.sh script

./docker-run.sh yarn run lint

This uses

  • AWS account: CandyConnect-Prod
  • Docker image: 564637108174.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ca-jobapply-frontend:latest

To pass environment variables to docker, use a .env file. Use template .env.local.

Contribution Guidelines

Please ensure your code pass the repository Guidelines before sending a pull request, other wise your pull request will fail the testing and will not be merged.

  • Your code must pass all linting rules.
  • Your code must pass all existing unit tests.
  • Your code must pass coverage test.
  • Your code must pass format/prettier.


Datadog: https://app.datadoghq.com/dashboard/559-92v-hgd/connect-job-apply-frontend-ui