1.0.0 • Published 8 months ago

cabrowser v1.0.0

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8 months ago

CaBrowser - Ethereum Contract Browser

CaBrowser is a utility script that monitors the Ethereum blockchain for contract deployments, fetches details of the deployed contracts, and logs them in a user-friendly format. It connects to an Ethereum node via WebSockets and scans blocks for new contracts.

Features: Real-time Monitoring: The script listens for new blocks in real-time and processes any new contracts found.

Contract Detail Extraction: For each newly deployed contract, the script fetches various details like contract name, total supply, transfer delay status, and other specific attributes related to token management and transfers.

Percentage Calculations: The script calculates the percentage values of various token-related attributes against the total supply.

Etherscan Linking: For each detected contract, the script opens an etherscan.io link to the contract deployer's address for easy reference.

Usage: Ensure you have ethers and open npm packages installed:

npm install ethers open

Modify the providerUrl variable in cabrowser.js to point to your Ethereum node's WebSocket URL.

If you're looking for contracts with a specific name prefix, modify the desiredContractNamePrefix variable at the top.

Run the script:

node cabrowser.js

Dependencies: ethers: Ethereum library for JavaScript/TypeScript. open: Utility to open URLs and files from Node.js.


8 months ago