2.0.4 • Published 5 years ago
cachimo v2.0.4
cachimo ·
Stores key with value in-memory and can be deleted manually or after given timeout.
npm install cachimo
yarn add cachimo
- put
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Stores element in cache, you can remove it manually whenever you want.
// Returns true if element was successfully stored in cache, false if such key already exist.
cachimo.put("key", "value");
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Stores element in cache and it will be deleted after given timeout which returns Promise.
.put("key", "value", 1000) // It will be deleted after 1 sec. and Promise will be resolved or rejected.
.then(({ key, value, timeout }) => {
// Returns key, value and timeout after delete.
console.log(`Deleted ${key}:${value} after ${timeout}`);
.catch((err) => {
// You will get error if key was deleted before timeout.
throw err; // "Key doesn't exist."
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// If you don't want to use Promise you can send callback which will be executed after given timeout.
cachimo.put("key", "value", 1000, (err, key, value, timeout) => {
// You will get error if key was deleted before timeout.
if (err) {
throw err; // "Key doesn't exist."
// Returns key, value and timeout after delete.
console.log(`Deleted ${key}:${value} after ${timeout}`);
- clear
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Removes all elements stored in cache and clears all timeouts.
// Returns number of how much elements was removed from cache.
- get
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Returns value from cache by given key.
- remove
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Returns true if element was removed, false otherwise.
- has
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Checks if whether an element with given key exists.
// Returns true if element exists, false otherwise.
- size
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Returns the number of elements stored in cache.
- keys
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Returns all keys stored in cache.
- values
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Returns all values stored in cache.
- entries
import * as cachimo from "cachimo";
// Returns all entries (keys and values) stored in cache.
Feel free to open issues or PRs!