1.0.6 • Published 5 months ago

calendar-carousel v1.0.6

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5 months ago

The calendar-carousel is a reusable calendar component that gives emphasis on the selected date, time, and duration. Below is a detailed list of how to use it in your project:

Table of Contents:

1- Installation.

2- API Reference.

3- Usage Example.


Running the following command to install the package:

npm i calendar-carousel

Now import it in the file you want using import Calendar from "calendar-carousel". Now you can call the container and get the default style and behavior of the calendar. To know how you can change the behavior using props refer to the API section.

API Reference:

The Calendar component provides a flexible and customizable calendar view with carousel functionality. Below is the API reference for the component's props.

Prop NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
numCardsToShownumber3Number of date cards to show in the carousel at a time.
cardsToScrollnumber1Number of date cards to scroll in one swipe/scroll action.
dateRange[dayjs.Dayjs, dayjs.Dayjs][dayjs(), dayjs().add(29, "day")]Date range for the calendar to show. Format should be a valid dayjs date for the start range and end range. If not provided, defaults to today + 29 days.
offDays(date: dayjs.Dayjs)() => falseA user provided custom function to determine if a specific date is a off day and should be disabled.
holidays(date: dayjs.Dayjs) => boolean() => falseA user provided custom function to determine if a specific date is a holiday and should be disabled.
timeFormatstring"hh:mm a"Format for the time picker. Can be "hh:mm a" for 12-hour format or "HH:mm" for 24-hour format.
durationStepnumber30Step size for duration changes, in seconds by default.
onDateChange(date: dayjs.Dayjs) => void() => {}Callback function when a date is selected.
onTimeChange(time: dayjs.Dayjs \| null) => void() => {}Callback function when a time is selected or changed.
onDurationChange(duration: number) => void() => {}Callback function when the duration is changed.

Customize Design with Tokens:

The calendar-carousel supports custom design tokens allowing you to tailor the appearance to match your application's theme. Below is a table listing the tokens you can use to customize various aspects of the calendar's UI.

Token NameDescription
colorPrimaryBackground color for enabled date cards, arrows, buttons click & focus on time picker etc.
colorPrimaryTextText color for enabled date cards.
colorWarningBackground color for holiday-disabled date cards.
colorWarningTextText color for holiday-disabled date cards.
colorErrorBackground color for off-day disabled date cards.
colorErrorTextText color for off-day disabled date cards.
borderRadiusBorder radius for date cards.
controlItemBgActiveBackground color for active control items (time picker).

Light and Dark Mode:

Some antd components (mainly the collapse) used don't adhere to the darkAlgorithm properly for that purpose you can modify the ConfigProvider from antd and use the component tokens to customize them for dark/light themes:

    components: {
      Collapse: {
        headerBg: darkTheme ? "black" : "",
      DatePicker: {
        cellHoverBg: token.colorPrimary,
    algorithm: darkMode ? theme.darkAlgorithm : theme.defaultAlgorithm,

E.g., here I am setting black color from my Collapse Panels in case of darkmode. For more details on how to further customize it refer to the components api's.

Usage Example:

import React from "react";
import Calendar from "calendar-carousel";

const MyComponent = () => {
  // example callback function for offDays
  const customOffDays = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
    return date.day() === 2 || date.day() === 3;

  const holidays = [dayjs("01-01-2023"), dayjs("01-02-2023")];

  // example callback function for holidays
  const checkIfHoliday = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
    return holidays.some((holiday) => holiday.isSame(date, "day"));

  return (
      dateRange={[dayjs("01-01-2023"), dayjs("01-30-2023")]}
      timeFormat="HH:mm a"
      onDateChange={(date) =>
        console.log("Selected Date:", date.format("MMMM DD, YYYY"))
      onTimeChange={(time) =>
        console.log("Selected Time:", time?.format("HH:mm"))
      onDurationChange={(duration) => console.log("Duration:", duration)}

export default MyComponent;

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