1.4.1 • Published 7 years ago

calfinated v1.4.1

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Last release
7 years ago


calfinated.js is a node module that provides string-based templating and token replacement.

The initial purpose is to replace the usage of the no longer maintained markup.js dependency for use by hyperpotamus, but the utility has since expanded and is now available as a standalone module.

Why the name?

Given the theme of hyperpotamus, a baby hippo is called a "calf".

How does it work?

var calfinated = require('calfinated')();

var data = {
   name: "hippos"
   favorite: {
     drink: "coffee"
     color: "brown"
     special: "I like M&M's"
     number: 6294
     current_time: new Date("2017-01-01")

calfinated.process("<% name %>", data); // "hippos"
calfinated.process("<% favorite.color %>", data); // "brown"
calfinated.process("<% name %> drink <% favorite.drink %>", data); // "hippos drink coffee"
calfinated.process("<% favorite.number %>", data); // 6294 (typed as number)

Changing delimiters

You can even change the delimiters that calfinated uses if you don't like the <% ... %> syntax. The delimiters must be passed in as an array with the opening and closing values as a regular expression.

var calfinated = require("calfinated")();
calfinated.delimiters = [ "{{", "}}" ];

From the browser

calfinated can also be used in a browser, but requires lodash and moment-timezone as dependencies. In order to keep the size of the browser module small, references to both must be passed into the constructor. Lodash is required to function, however, if you do not plan to use any of the date/time manipulation pipes then you can omit the moment-timezone reference.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/lodash/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.18.1/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-timezone/0.5.11/moment-timezone-with-data.min.js"></script>
<script src="../browser/calfinated.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
 window.onload = function() {
   var calfinated = require("calfinated")(_, moment); // pass instances of lodash and moment-timezone to calfinated.
   var result = calfinated.process({ a : "This is a <% whatisit %> at <% now | utc_format %>", b: "And another" }, { whatisit: "test", now: new Date() });

Processing objects and arrays

calfinated can also be used to process all values in an array or all values of an object recursively.

calfinated.process([ "<% first %> expression", "<% second %>" ], { first: "foo", second: "bar" }); // [ "foo expression", "bar" ]
calfinated.process({ a: "<% first %> expression", b: "<% second %>", c: "untouched value" ], { first: "foo", second: "bar" }); // { a: "foo expression", b: "bar", c: "untouched value" }

A third parameter can be passed into to list excluded properties which will not be processed.


Plugable pipes that allow for powerful transformations of the data

calfinated.process("<% drink | upcase()" %>", data); // "COFFEE"

Pipes can be chained.

calfinated.process("<% drink | upcase | urlencode %>", data); // I%20LIKE%20M%26M'S

Some pipes support parameters

calfinated.process("<% current_time | date_format('MM/DD/YYYY') %>", data); // 01/01/2017

Pipes reference


Converts the value to a string representation

calfinated.process("<% age | string %>", { age: 18 }); // "18"


Parses the string values "true" or "false" as a boolean (case insensitive).

calfinated.process("<% happy | boolean %>", { happy: "true" }); // true


Parses the string value as an integer.

calfinated.process("<% age | integer %>", { age: "18" }); // 18


Parses the string value as a number.

calfinated.process("<% age | integer %>", { age: "18.3" }); // 18.3


Converts the value to the JSON equivalent as a string

calfinated.process("<% element | json %>", { element: { symbol: "au", number: 79, weight: 196.966 }); // '{\n  "symbol": "au",\n  "number": 79,\n  "weight": 196.966\n}'


Parses the string value into a JSON object

calfinated.process("<% element | json %>", { au: '{\n  "symbol": "au",\n  "number": 79,\n  "weight": 196.966\n}' }); // { element: { symbol: "au", number: 79, weight: 196.966 }


Returns true if the value is null; otherwise false.

calfinated.process("<% SSN | is_null %>", { SSN: null }); // true


Returns true if the value is null, undefinecd, or an empty string; otherwise false.

calfinated.process("<% SSN | is_empty %>", { ssn: "" }); // true

String operations

toUpperCase alias: upcase

Converts a string to all uppercase characters.

calfinated.process("<% name | toUpperCase %>", { name: "John Jingleheimer" }); // JOHN JINGLEHEIMER

toLowerCase alias: downcase

Converts a string to all lowercase characters.

calfinated.process("<% name | toUpperCase %>", { name: "John Jingleheimer" }); // john jingleheimer


Escapes a string value to replace any double-quote(") characters to prefix them with a backslash (). If the value has a comma, it will be surrounded by double-quotes.

calfinated.process("<% field | csv_safe %>", { field: "candy, cookies, and popcorn" }); // '\"candy, cookies, and popcorn\"'

substr(start, length)

Extracts the specified portion of the string value starting at start and continuing for at most length characters.

calfinated.process("<% field | substr(3,8) %>", { field: "candy, cookies, and popcorn" }); // "dy, cook"

substring(start, end)

Extracts the specified portion of the string value starting at start and ending at end.

calfinated.process("<% field | substring(3,8) %>", { field: "candy, cookies, and popcorn" }); // "dy, c"

encodeURIComponent alias: urlencode

Encodes the specified string according to the URL percent-encoding specification.

calfinated.process("<% field | encodeURIComponent %>", { field: "candy, cookies, and popcorn" }); // "candy%2C%20cookies%2C%20and%20popcorn"

decodeURIComponent alias: urldecode

Decodes the specified string according to the URL percent-encoding specification.

calfinated.process("<% field | urldecode %>", { field: "candy%2C%20cookies%2C%20and%20popcorn" }); // "candy, cookies, and popcorn"

match(pattern/options, group)

Executes the specified RegExp pattern (with the specified "gim" options) to the value and returns the matched value. If group is specified, it should be the 1-based index of the capturing group to be returned.

// Note, the double "\" because this is still a javascript string.
calfinated.process("<% field | match(/\\d+/) %>", { field: "This is my 35th attempt" }); // "35"
calfinated.process("<% field | match(/my (\\d+)th/) %>", { field: "This is my 35th attempt" }); // "my 35th"
calfinated.process("<% field | match(/my (\\d+)th/,1) %>", { field: "This is my 35th attempt" }); // "35"

replace(pattern/options, replacement)

Returns a new string with instances of the specified RegExp pattern (with the specified "gim" options) within the value replaced using the provided replacement value.

calfinated.process("<% field | replace(/a/,A) %>", { field: "abc" }); // "Abc"


Converts the value to a string, trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.

calfinated.process("<% field | trim %>", { field: " field with lots of space  " }); // "field with lots of space"

Array operations


Joins all elements in the value, which must be an array, into a string using the specified delimiter. If no delimiter is specified, the default delimiter is a comma (,) character. To join the values using an empty delimiter or whitespace, surround the delimiter with single or double-quotes.

calfinated.process("<% fruit | join() %>", { fruit: [ "apples", "bananas", "cherries" ] }); // "apples,bananas,cherries"
calfinated.process("<% fruit | join('') %>", { fruit: [ "apples", "bananas", "cherries" ] }); // "applesbananascherries"
calfinated.process("<% fruit | join(' ') %>", { fruit: [ "apples", "bananas", "cherries" ] }); // "apples bananas cherries"


Splits a string value into an array of elements between each instance of delimiter.

calfinated.process("<% fruit | split %>", { fruit: "apples,bananas,cherries" }); // [ "apples", "bananas", "cherries" ]
calfinated.process("<% fruit | split(' ') %>", { fruit: "apples bananas cherries" }); // [ "apples", "bananas", "cherries" ]

Utility operations


If the value is undefined, returns default_value (or an empty string) instead of throwing a MissingKey error.

calfinated.process("<% foo | optional %>", { fruit: "apples,bananas,cherries" }); // ""
calfinated.process("<% foo | optional('bar') %>", { fruit: "apples bananas cherries" }); // "bar"


Reverses the value of a boolean.

calfinated.process("<% SSN | is_null | not %>", { SSN: null }); // false

random(min, max, asFloat)

Either selects a random element from an array value, (do not values for min, max, or asInteger)

calfinated.process("<% fruit | random %>", { fruit: [ "apples", "bananas", "cherries" ] }); // one of "apples", "bananas", or "cherries"

Or when a value is specified for the min parameter, then the passed in pipeline value is ignored and it returns a random number in the range min , max , or 0, min if max is not specified.

calfinated.process("<% | random(1,6) %>"); // integer between 1 and 6
calfinated.process("<% | random(6) %>"); // integer between 0 and 6

NOTE: as shown here, if the min value is specified, then the pipeline value is ignored and can be omitted from the expression altogether.

Mathematical operations

add(number) alias: plus, sum

Adds number to the value.

calfinated.process("<% age | add(3) %>", { age: 18 }); // 21

Or calculates the sum of all of the elements in an array value. (The number parameter is ignored)

calfinated.process("<% ages | add %>", { ages: [ 18, 21 ] }); // 39

subtract(number) alias: minus, difference

Subtracts number from the value.

calfinated.process("<% age | subtract(3) %>", { age: 18 }); // 15

Or calculates the running difference all of the elements in an array value. (The number parameter is ignored)

calfinated.process("<% ages | add %>", { ages: [ 18, 21, 3 ] }); // -6

multiplied_by(number) alias: product, times

Multiplies the value by a number.

calfinated.process("<% age | multiplied_by(3) %>", { age: 6 }); // 18

Or calculates the product of all of the elements in an array value. (The number parameter is ignored)

calfinated.process("<% ages | product %>", { ages: [ 2, 3, 5] }); // 30

divided_by, quotient: divided_by

Divides the value by a number.

calfinated.process("<% age | divided_by(3) %>", { age: 6 }); // 2

Or calculates the running quotient of all of the elements in an array value. (The number parameter is ignored)

calfinated.process("<% ages | product %>", { ages: [ 100, 10, 2] }); // 5


Calculates the average of all elements in the array.

calfinated.process("<% ages | average %>", { ages: [ 15, 30, 42] }); // 29

Date-time operations

now alias: date_now

Returns the current time, in the local timezone as a moment object.


Returns the start of the current day, in the local timezone as a moment object.


Returns the date only (start of day) of the given date/time.

date_parse(format, timezone) alias: parse_date

Parses the value as a moment using the optionally specified format string and timezone. Defaults to guessing the format and local timezone.

date_format(format, timezone) alias: format_date

Formats the provided date/moment value as a string using the specified format and timezone. Defaults to ISO-8601 format and local timezone.

utc_parse(format) alias: parse_utc

Parses the value as a moment using the optionally specified format string and UTC. Defaults to guessing the format.

utc_format alias: format_utc

Formats the provided date/moment value as a string using UTC. Defaults to ISO-8601 format.

date_add(count, interval)

Adds count intervals to the date value and returns the resulting date/moment. See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/manipulating/add/ for valid interval values.


Subtracts count intervals from the date value and returns the resulting date/moment. See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/manipulating/add/ for valid interval values.


Returns the start of the specified interval for the given date value. See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/manipulating/start-of/ for valid interval values.


Returns the end of the specified interval for the given date value. See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/manipulating/start-of/ for valid interval values.


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