1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago
callback2stream v1.0.1

Transform sync, async or generator function to Stream. Correctly handle errors and optional arguments.
npm i callback2stream --save
For more use-cases see the tests
const callback2stream = require('callback2stream')
Create a stream from sync, async or generator function.
{Function}: Any kind of function.opts
{Object}: Directly passed to through2 from promise2stream.returns
{Function}: That when executed, returns transform stream, coming from promise2stream, using through2.
var fs = require('fs')
var cb2stream = require('callback2stream')
var readFileStream = cb2stream(fs.readFile)
var stream = readFileStream('package.json', 'utf8')
.on('data', function (val) {
var json = JSON.parse(val)
console.log(json.name) // => 'callback2stream'
.once('error', console.error)
.once('end', function () {
console.log('reading finished')
// you also have access to the
// contents with promise
.then(JSON.parse, console.error)
.then(function (val) {
console.log(val.name) // => 'callback2stream'
}, console.error)
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