0.3.0 ā€¢ Published 3 years ago

callbag-form v0.3.0

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3 years ago


Framework agnostic form management based on callbags

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callbag-form provides a simple method for managing forms and validation in TypeScript / JavaScript. Provides a state containing the form data, sources emitting form validity, error report, and whether form data has changed.

import form, { required, isEmail, isStrongPassword, isSame, isTrue } from 'callbag-form'

const registration = form({
  name: ['', { required }],                                 // šŸ‘‰ name is required
  email: ['', { required, isEmail }],                       // šŸ‘‰ email is required and must be an email
  password: ['', isStrongPassword()],                       // šŸ‘‰ password must be a strong password
  passwordRepeat: ['', { match: isSame(f => f?.password) }] // šŸ‘‰ password repeat must be the same with password
  agreeToS: [false, { isTrue }]                             // šŸ‘‰ must have agreed to tos 

// šŸ‘‰ read/write form data
registration.data.set({ ... })

// šŸ‘‰ form data is a callbage
pipe(registration.data, subscribe(console.log))

// šŸ‘‰ form data is a state
pipe(registration.data.sub('agreeToS'), subscribe(console.log))

// šŸ‘‰ track validity
pipe(registration.valid, subscribe(console.log))

// šŸ‘‰ check if email has errors
pipe(registration.errors, map(e => e.email.hasErrors))

// šŸ‘‰ check if email format has issues
pipe(registration.errors, map(e => e.email.isEmail))

// šŸ‘‰ check if password has a special character (validator included in `isStrongPassword()`):
pipe(registration.errors, map(e => e.password.hasSpecialChar))

// šŸ‘‰ check if password-repeat matches:
pipe(registration.errors, map(e => e.passwordRepeat.match))

āš” Checkout a real-life example using callbag-jsx.

šŸ‘‰ You can also provide your own source of data:

const registration = form(source, {
  name: { required },
  email: { required, isEmail },
  password: isStrongPassword(),
  passwordRepeat: { match: isSame(f => f?.password)) },
  agreeToS: { isTrue }


Install via NPM (or Yarn):

npm i callbag-form

Or use via CDNs:

<script type="module">
  import form from 'https://unpkg.com/callbag-form/dist/bundles/callbag-form.es.min.js'
  // ...


Validators in callbag-form are simple functions which return true or false with given value:

export function required(t) {
  return isNotNull(t) && (
    (t as any).length === undefined
    || (t as any).length > 0

šŸ‘‰ Validators are assumed to be synchronous and computationally inexpensive. Computationally expensive and/or async validators are rare and so can be accounted for specifically.

Validators can also take into account the whole form data:

export function isSame(selector) {
  return (value, form) => value === selector(form)

callbag-form comes with a handful of validators that are commonly used:

required            // šŸ‘‰ checks if value is not null and not empty string / array
isTrue              // šŸ‘‰ checks if value is true
doesMatch(regex)    // šŸ‘‰ checks if value matches given regexp
isUrl               // šŸ‘‰ checks if value is a proper URL (https only, regexp check)
isEmail             // šŸ‘‰ checks if value is a proper email (regexp check)
hasMinLength(n)     // šŸ‘‰ checks if value (string or array) has at least length of n
isSame(selector)    // šŸ‘‰ checks if value equals return result of the selector (which is provided the form data)
hasUpperCase        // šŸ‘‰ checks if value has at-least one upper case character
hasLowerCase        // šŸ‘‰ checks if value has at-least one lower case character
hasDigit            // šŸ‘‰ checks if value has at-least one digit character
hasSpecialChar      // šŸ‘‰ checks if value has at-least one special character

There is also isStrongPassword(), which provides a bundle of validation functions:

export function isStrongPassword() {
  return {
    length: hasMinLength(8)

Change Tracking

Forms can also track whether the data has actually changed. Enable that by calling .track():


Then set checkpoints using .checkpoint() method (for example when data is synced with server):


The form data will be now compared to the last checkpoint:

// šŸ‘‰ check whether form data has changed since last checkpoint:
pipe(form.changed, subscribe(console.log))

Don't forget to cleanup the form tracking subscription. You can do that either by calling .dispose():


Or by calling the callback returned by .track():

const dispose = form.track()

// ...


This means you can easily track forms in callbag-jsx using tracking:

export function MyComponent(_, renderer) {

  const myForm = form(...)

  // ...
  return <> ... </>


There are no contribution guidelines or issue templates currently, so just be nice (and also note that this is REALLY early stage). Useful commands for development / testing:

git clone https://github.com/loreanvictor/callbag-form.git
npm i                   # --> install dependencies
npm start               # --> run `samples/index.tsx` on `localhost:3000`
npm test                # --> run all tests
npm run cov:view        # --> run tests and display the code coverage report