0.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

calzone v0.0.3

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Last release
8 years ago


A command-line, project-based wrapper around gulp in an attempt to make JavaScript builds more fun and less complicated.


Install with npm:

npm install -g calzone

This will expose a command-line utility that can be run with:

$ calzone --help # for example...


calzone takes build hints from two sources:

  1. Build configuration defined explicitly in a .builders.json file
  2. An /* @build ... */ annotation in your source file

The program will then create gulp streams and build your files. By default, calzone assumes a directory structure like the following:

	=> all your files...
	=> where calzone directs gulp.dest() to put files

This directory structure can be overridden by options in .builders.json.

Example Usage

Say we have the following directory structure:


and suppose our index.js is written in ECMAScript 7, and we need to transpile it using Babel:

/* @build babel |> uglify({ preserveComments: false }) */
import util from './util'

async function main() {
	await util.longRunningOperation()

First, you'll notice that our file declaratively defines how it is intended to be built with the @build annotation build-hint. In this example, we declare that our file should be piped through two builders: babel and uglify. Piping is designated using the pipe-operator |>. Furthermore, configuration data can be passed to each builder as is seen with passing { preserveComments: false} to the uglify builder.


Options (and builders) are defined in your .builders.js file. For example, if you have a LESS file with a build-annotation like /* @build less */, you may define a builder like:

// .builders.js
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
var less = require('gulp-less')

module.exports.builders = {
	less: function() {
		return this.pipe(less())

As demonstrated, builders take the current stream via this, and must return the resulting stream.

@build annotation

The build-annotation's pseudo-grammar can be defined by the following:

@build (builder |>)* builder?
builder: name params?
params: (json-object)

Project settings:

You may also override many of calzone's settings by creating a .builders.json file:

	"src": "src/directory",
	"out": "output/directory",
	"files": {
		"src/index.js": [ { type: "babel" }, { type: "uglify", config: { preserveComments: false } } ],
		"src/public/web-app.js": [ { type: "webpack" } ]

Default Builders

calzone defines a few default builders for your convenience, assuming their appropriate packages are installed in your local node_modules directory:

  • autoprefixer
  • babel
  • coffee
  • less
  • react
  • uglify
  • webpack

So, if you have gulp-autoprefixer installed in your local node_modules folder, you may make use of this builder (for example, via /* @build less */), without defining it in your .builders.js file.