0.12.5 • Published 7 years ago

can-restless v0.12.5

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Last release
7 years ago


Greenkeeper badge A client data model for interacting with data from flask-restless Note: Can-restless has been built to work with the JSON API specification that flask-restless is currently developing. To utilize this package, the development version 1.0.0b should be used.


  • Full crud api for retrieving, updating, and deleting data
  • Retrieve lists of data with filtering, pagination, and sorting
  • Pure data model, quickly build your own user interface, or use can-crud

Quick Start

#install flask-restless from github:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e git://github.com/jfinkels/flask-restless.git#egg=flask-restless

#install can-restless
npm install can-restless --save
npm run export


require(['can-restless/dist/amd/index'], function(Factory){
  var Task = Factory(/* ... */);

Require JS

var Factory = require('can-restless/dist/cjs/index');
var Task = Factory(/* .... */);

StealJS - ES6 Style Example

import Factory from 'can-restless';
import CanMap from 'can/map/';

let TaskMap = CanMap.extend({
  name: 'My Task',
  description: 'More details about the task'
  is_complete: false,

let Task = Factory({
  map: TaskMap,

  //this is the default id property
  //idProp: 'id',
  name: 'task',
  url: '/api/tasks'

//fetch the list with no parameters
let deferred = Task.getList({});

//fetch the list with sorting
deferred = Task.getList({
  sort: {
    type: 'asc',
    fieldName: 'description'

//fetch the list with a filter
deferred = Task.getList({
  filters: [{
    name: 'description',
    operator: 'like',
    value: '%details%'

//fetch one item by id
deferred = Task.get({
  id: 1

Running the tests

Set up flask restless:

cd test/demo
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r pip_require.txt
python run.py

Once the development server is running, run the tests either in a browser at index.html or by running

npm run test



Currently the only filter syntax supported is the array type with name, op, and val. Each filter in the array will be "and". Or is not currently implemented. For example:

deferred = Task.getList({
  filters: [{
    name: 'description',
    operator: 'like',
    value: '%details%'
  }, {
    name: 'birth_date',
    operator: 'after',
    value: '10/5/2005'

Will query person where name contains "details" AND where birth_date is after October 5, 2005.


Contributions from anyone are welcome!

  • Pull Requests
  • Report Issues via the issue tracker on github
  • Feedback and Code Reviews