1.0.3 • Published 7 months ago

canvas-window v1.0.3

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7 months ago


node-canvas-window exports a Canvas to a browser window for Node.js


npm install canvas-window

The minimum version of Node.js required is 10.20.0 (from the Canvas dependency).




  • width: number width of the canvas in pixels. Defaults to 1280.
  • height: number height of the canvas in pixels. Defaults to 720.
  • title: string title of the browser window. Defaults to 'NodeJS Window'.
  • canvas: object any implementation of the Canvas API. Defaults to a createCanvas() instance of node-canvas.
  • context: string the context to get from the canvas (i.e. '2d', 'webgl', 'webgl2', 'webgpu', 'bitmaprenderer'). Defaults to '2d'.
  • context: object any implementation of CanvasRenderingContext2D, WebGLRenderingContext, WebGL2RenderingContext, GPUCanvasContext, ImageBitmapRenderingContext, as long as these provide the getImageData() function. When this option has a valid context object, no default canvas is created.
  • host: string the hostname or address to bind the webserver to (use '::' to bind to all interfaces both IPv4 and IPv6 dual-stack). Defaults to the local loopback address ('').
  • port: number the port to make the webserver listen at (use 0 to let the system assign any available port). Defaults to 0.


All of the keys in options are also available in the window object. All properties must be considered read-only to avoid unexpected trouble.

  • websockets: object an instance of Array containing the websockets currently connected to the webserver (typically just one).
  • webserver: object an instance of http.createServer.
  • websocketserver: object in instance of ws.WebSocketServer.
  • state: string indicates the current state. The value is either 'initializing', 'error', 'ready'.


  • draw() calls drawContext with the current window's context.
  • drawContext(context) calls drawData with the image data of the context (an instance of Uint8ClampedArray).
  • drawData(object) sends the object with image data to each connected websocket. The object must be an Uint8ClampedArray, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or some other array-like type supported by ws.send().


  • websocketOpen is emitted when a websocket is connected to the webserver.
  • websocketError is emitted when a websocket had an error.
  • websocketClose is emitted when a websocket is disconnected from the webserver. This could also mean that the browser window was closed without Javascript being able to report it. There is currently no mechanism to automatically reconnect a closed WebSocket in the browser.

  • exit is emitted when the browser window was closed. This is a good opportunity to call process.exit(0).

The values of the properties in the following events are copied from their corresponding event in the browser (see KeyboardEvent and PointerEvent).

  • keydown is emitted when a key was pressed in the browser window. Available properties are: key, code, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey, repeat (from the KeyboardEvent).
  • keyup is emitted when a key was released in the browser window. Available properties are: key, code, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey, repeat (from the KeyboardEvent).
  • pointerdown is emitted when a pointer was pressed in the browser window. Available properties are: x, y, button, buttons, pointerId, pointerType, isPrimary, width, height, pressure.
  • pointermove is emitted when a pointer moved in the browser window. Available properties are: x, y, pointerId, pointerType, isPrimary, width, height, pressure.
  • pointerup is emitted when a pointer was released in the browser window. Available properties are: x, y, button, buttons, pointerId, pointerType, isPrimary, width, height, pressure.


Running the following code in NodeJS, should open a browser window with a dark grey background. Within that background a rectangle is shown that alternates between a dark green and dark orange color. When moving a pointer (mouse/touch) over the browser window, a small magenta rectangle is shown at its location.

const { createWindow } = require('canvas-window');

(async () =>
  const window = await createWindow({
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    title: 'My Window'
  // window may emit the following events:
  //   - websocketOpen, websocketError, websocketClose
  //   - exit
  //   - pointerdown, pointermove, pointerup
  //   - keydown, keyup
  const ctx = window.context;
  const model = {pointer: {x: 0, y: 0}, parity: false};
  function repaint()
    ctx.fillStyle = '#333';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600);
    ctx.fillStyle = model.parity ? '#393' : '#963';
    ctx.fillRect(100, 100, 600, 400);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f0f';
    ctx.fillRect(model.pointer.x - 10, model.pointer.y - 10, 20, 20);
  window.on('pointermove', e =>
    model.pointer.x = e.x;
    model.pointer.y = e.y;
  window.on('exit', e =>
    // exit when browser window is closed (onbeforeunload)
  const blink = setInterval(() =>
    model.parity = !model.parity;
  }, 500);

7 months ago


7 months ago


7 months ago


7 months ago