1.2.7 • Published 1 year ago

captchaai-npm v1.2.7

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1 year ago

captchaai.io api wrapper🧠 (tasks handler)

Want you to get verified captcha tokens calling one function within your NodeJS application?

Run with this repo and find a fast way to perform web/api automations.

now binded: 🔥 AntiKasada & AntiAkamaiBMP. 🔥 HCaptcha & FunCaptcha Images Classification.

npm.io npm.io npm.io

⬇️ Install

npm i captchaai-npm

✋ Usage

  1. Import module.

     const Captchaai = require('captchaai-npm');
  2. Declare singleton/handler.

     const handler = new Captchaai(apikey); // task handler / solver

❗ There are 2 different versions in order to handle task results:

1️⃣ task-bind methods

example: check captchaai.io balance + run for one .hcaptchaproxyless()

const Captchaai = require('captchaai-npm');
const handler = new Captchaai('apikey', 1); // verbose level 1
let b = await handler.balance();
if(b > 0){  // usd balance
    await handler.hcaptchaproxyless('https://websiteurl.com/', '000000-000000000-0000000')
        .then(async response => {
            if(response.error === 0){ console.log(response.solution) }
            else{ console.log('error ' + JSON.stringify(response.apiResponse)) }

example: run for one HCaptchaTask with .hcaptcha() with custom proxy.

const Captchaai = require('captchaai-npm');
const handler = new Captchaai('apikey', 1); // verbose level 1
let b = await handler.balance();
if(b > 0){  // usd balance
    await handler.hcaptcha(
        { proxy: "proxyType:proxyAddress:proxyPort:proxyLogin:proxyPassword" }   // 2nd proxyInfo format
    .then(async response => {
        if(response.error === 0){ console.log(response.solution) }
        else{ console.log('error ' + JSON.stringify(response.apiResponse)) }

2️⃣ Run any task. Build taskData schema for a task type.

example: build & run taskData schema with custom proxy for HCaptchaTask.

const Captchaai = require('captchaai-npm');
const handler = new Captchaai('apikey');
const taskData =    // build a task
    type : 'HCaptchaTask',
    websiteURL : 'https://website.com/', 
    websiteKey : '000000-00000-000000-000000000',
    // also string format is supported with `proxy`
    // proxyInfo: { proxy: "proxyType:proxyAddress:proxyPort:proxyLogin:proxyPassword" },
    proxyInfo: { 'proxyType': 'http', 'proxyAddress': 'ip_address', 'proxyPort': 3221, 'proxyLogin': 'username', 'proxyPassword': 'password' },
    .then(async response => {
        if(response.error === 0){ console.log(response.solution) }
        else{ console.log('error ' + JSON.stringify(response.apiResponse)) }

↩️ Returned object

All methods return the following schema.

errornumber-1 Request/Solving error. 0 Success solve.
statusTextstringHTTP status string.
apiResponseobjectResults/solution (captchaai.io API response).
solutionobjectSolution got from success solve.
// ✅ success response
  error: 0,  
  statusText: '200 OK',
  apiResponse: {
    errorId: 0,
    taskId: '4e6c33f5-bc14-44d0-979e-d5f37b072c59',
    status: 'ready',
    solution: {
      gRecaptchaResponse: '03AIIukzgCys9brSNnrVbwXE9mTesvkxQ-ocK ...'
  error: -1,
  statusText: '400 Bad Request',
  apiResponse: {
        errorCode: "ERROR_INVALID_TASK_DATA",
        errorDescription: "clientKey error",
        errorId: 1
  • Each method it's an easy way to launch and handle multiple requests to captchaai API.
  • Some determinated captcha tasks have required arguments which mostly are of type string or type object. Anycase, this is described in captchaai.io official docs page.
  • reffered docs.

⚙️Supported API methods

await handler.balance()directly the float value or an error object
await handler.getBalance()succes or error object
await handler.runAnyTask(taskData)handle task results for a taskData schema passed. In order to build this object, use !reffered docs and check parameters by catpcha task type.
  • taskData schema it's shown in examples.
  • proxyInfo schema has 2 versions:

{ 'proxy' : 'proxyType:proxyAddress:proxyPort:proxyLogin:proxyPassword' }


{ 'proxyType': 'http', 'proxyAddress': 'ip_address', 'proxyPort': 3221, 'proxyLogin': 'username', 'proxyPassword': 'password' }

(proxyLogin & proxyPassword are optionals)

task-bind methods

retrieve solutions (tokens/coordenates) with the followings:

// * check required parameters for a website with API docs.
await handler.hcaptcha(websiteURL, websiteKey, proxyInfo, userAgent, isInvisible, enterprisePayload)
await handler.hcaptchaproxyless(websiteURL, websiteKey, userAgent, isInvisible, enterprisePayload)
await handler.hcaptchaclassification(question, queries, coordinate)

await handler.recaptchav2(websiteURL, websiteKey, proxyInfo, userAgent, isInvisible, recaptchaDataSValue, cookies)
await handler.recaptchav2proxyless(websiteURL, websiteKey, userAgent, isInvisible, recaptchaDataSValue, cookies)
await handler.recaptchav2enterprise(websiteURL, websiteKey, proxyInfo, userAgent, enterprisePayload, apiDomain, cookies)
await handler.recaptchav2enterpriseproxyless(websiteURL, websiteKey, userAgent, enterprisePayload, apiDomain, cookies)
await handler.recaptchav3(websiteURL, websiteKey, proxyInfo, pageAction, minScore)
await handler.recaptchav3proxyless(websiteURL, websiteKey, pageAction, minScore)

await handler.datadome(websiteURL, userAgent, captchaUrl, proxyInfo)

await handler.funcaptcha(websiteURL, websitePublicKey, proxyInfo, funcaptchaApiJSSubdomain, userAgent, data)
await handler.funcaptchaproxyless(websiteURL, websitePublicKey, funcaptchaApiJSSubdomain, userAgent, data)
await handler.funcaptchaclassification(image, question)

await handler.geetest(websiteURL, gt, challenge, geetestApiServerSubdomain, proxyInfo, version, userAgent, geetestGetLib, initParameters)
await handler.geetestproxyless(websiteURL, gt, challenge, geetestApiServerSubdomain, version, userAgent, geetestGetLib, initParameters)

await handler.image2text(body)

await handler.antikasada(pageURL, proxyInfo, onlyCD, userAgent) // *: pageUrl & proxyInfo are always required
await handler.antiakamaibmp(packageName, version, deviceId, deviceName, count) // *: packageName it's always required

pass null instead of empty for optional arguments

Currently unsupported API methods: ❌ ReCaptchaV2Classification

Verbose level

const handler = new Captchaai(apikey, verbose); // on handler initialization

Verbose level undefined || 0: Dont print logs, just get response.

Verbose level 1: Print logs about performed requests during execution.

Verbose level 2: Appends full captchaai api response in verbose level 1 outputs.
