7.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

cardano-glue v7.0.3

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Last release
1 year ago


The glue between typescript frontend and nodejs applications and the cardano blockchain. This library is a collection of cryptolibraries and functions useful for working with Cardano cryptocurrency, eliminating the need for many dependencies.

For now the library provides the basic functions, but the aim is to extend the functionality past the basic primitives.

The cryptographic functions are compiled to pure javascript using Emscripten.

Originally forked from vacuumlabs/cardano-crypto.js. The original intent was to provide a common library to support crypto primitives, but even the library moved past that. Several utility and serialization functions were added. This library is a continuation building on top of the basic crypto functions.

Existing alternatives:



import * as glue from 'cardano-glue';

const mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme';
const walletSecret = await glue.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1);
const msg = Buffer.from('hello there');
const sig = glue.sign(msg, walletSecret);

Deriving child keys (hardened derivation, you can choose either derivation scheme 1 or 2)

import * as glue from 'cardano-glue';

const mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme';
const parentWalletSecret = glue.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1);
const childWalletSecret = glue.derivePrivate(parentWalletSecret, 0x80000001, 1);

Deriving child public keys (nonhardened derivation, you can choose either derivation scheme 1 or 2)

import * as glue from 'cardano-glue';

const mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme';
const parentWalletSecret = glue.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1);
const parentWalletPublicKey = parentWalletSecret.slice(64, 128);
const childWalletSecret = glue.derivePublic(parentWalletPublicKey, 1, 1);


TBD - see package types

We encourage you to take a look at test/index.js to see how the functions above should be used.


  • Install emscripten
  • run npm install
  • run npm run build:native
  • run npm run build

Emscripten build example

git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
cd emsdk
./emsdk install 3.1.25
./emsdk activate 3.1.25
source ./emsdk_env.sh
cd ../
git clone https://github.com/zoeldevapps/cardano-glue
cd cardano-glue
npm install
npm run build:native
shasum src/lib.js # should match shasum of published version of lib.js

The npm package is published via automated github workflows. Check out .github/setup-with-native/action.yml.


  • run npm run test

Bundle size optimizations

Browserify/Webpack bundles can get very large if you include all the wordlists, so you can now exclude wordlists to make your bundle lighter.

For example, if we want to exclude all wordlists besides chinese_simplified, you could build using the browserify command below.

$ browserify -r bip39 -s bip39 \
 --exclude=./wordlists/english.json \
 --exclude=./wordlists/japanese.json \
 --exclude=./wordlists/spanish.json \
 --exclude=./wordlists/italian.json \
 --exclude=./wordlists/french.json \
 --exclude=./wordlists/korean.json \
 --exclude=./wordlists/chinese_traditional.json \
  > bip39.browser.js

This will create a bundle that only contains the chinese_simplified wordlist, and it will be the default wordlist for all calls without explicit wordlists.

You can also do this in Webpack using the IgnorePlugin. Here is an example of excluding all non-English wordlists

plugins: [
  new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
      resourceRegExp: /^\.\/wordlists\/(?!english)/,
      contextRegExp: /bip39\/src$/,

Alternatively you can use an alias to bip39-light. Example with vite:

export default defineConfig({
  /* ... */
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      bip39: 'bip39-light',