2.0.86-alpha • Published 1 month ago

cardano-web3-js v2.0.86-alpha

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1 month ago

🛠 Cardano Web3 JavaScript SDK

!WARNING CardanoWeb3js is in active development: createTx() will be added soon. Stay tuned to https://twitter.com/xray_network for updates

!NOTE CardanoWeb3js is a versatile TypeScript library designed for seamless integration with the Cardano blockchain. It supports both Node.js and browser environments, streamlining transaction creation, smart contract deployment, and data exploration. Ideal for developers, this toolkit simplifies Cardano cryptographic operations and API interactions


To install with Yarn, run:

yarn install cardano-web3-js

To install with NPM, run:

npm i cardano-web3-js

Basic Usage

import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const app = async () => {
  const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()

  const mnemonic = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicGenerate()
  const account = web3.account.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)

  await account.fetchAndUpdateState() // update balance & delegation info

  console.log(account.__config) // account info (xpub, changeAddress, creds, etc)
  console.log(account.__state) // balance & delegation info

  const tx = web3.createTx() // TODO: will be available soon


Web3 Configuration Parameteres

const app = async () => { const providerHeaders = { "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY_01", }

const koiosHeaders = { "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY_02", }

const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init({ network: "preprod", // "mainnet" | "preprod" | "preview" | "custom" ttl: 900, // 900 secs = 15 minutes remoteTxEvaluate: true, // evaluate validator cost remotely on tx.build() remoteProtocolParams: true, // get protocol parameters remotely on createTx() provider: new KoiosProvider("https://api.koios.rest/api/v1", providerHeaders), explorer: { koios: { headers: koiosHeaders, url: "https://preprod.koios.rest/api/v1", }, nftcdn: { headers: {}, url: "https://graph.xray.app/output/nftcdn/preprod/api/v1", }, pricing: { headers: {}, url: "https://graph.xray.app/output/procing/mainnet/api/v1", // only mainnet available }, } })

const { data, error } = await web3.explorer.koios.GET("/tip") console.log(data?.0.epoch_no) // current epoch number

console.log(web3.network) // configured network console.log(web3.remoteProtocolParams) // configured remoteProtocolParams console.log(web3.remoteTxEvaluate) // configured remoteTxEvaluate console.log(web3.ttl) // configured ttl }



## Create Account

  <summary>Create account with derivation path from Mnemonic</summary>
``` ts
import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const app = async () => {
  const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()
  const mnemonic = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicGenerate() // generate mnemonic
  const account = web3.account.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, [1852, 1815, 1]) // create account #1 from mnemonic


const app = async () => { const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init() const wallets = await web3.connector.list() // list of available wallets const connector = await web3.connector.init("eternl") // enable eternl wallet const account = await web3.account.fromConnector(connector) // create account from connected wallet }



  <summary>Create account from XPRV private key</summary>
``` ts
import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const app = async () => {
  const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()
  const xprvKey = web3.utils.keys.xprvKeyGenerate() // generate XPRV key
  const account = web3.account.fromXprvKey(xprvKey) // account from XPRV key

  const account2 = web3.account.fromXpubKey("xprv...") // create account2 direct from XPRV key


const app = async () => { const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init() const xprvKey = web3.utils.keys.xprvKeyGenerate() // generate XPRV key const xpubKey = web3.utils.keys.xpubKeyFromXprvKey(xprvKey) // XPRV key to XPUB key const account = web3.account.fromXpubKey(xpubKey) // create account from XPUB key

const account2 = web3.account.fromXpubKey("xpub...") // create account2 direct from XPUB key }



  <summary>Create account from XVK public key</summary>
``` ts
import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const app = async () => {
  const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()
  const account = web3.account.fromXvkKey("xvk....") // create account direct from XVK key


Create, Sign and Submit TX

const app = async () => { const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init() // TODO }



  <summary>Create TX from Account (Auto Build) * soon</summary>
``` ts
import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const app = async () => {
  const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()
  // TODO


Provider API

const app = async () => { const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()

const datum = await web3.provider.getDatumByHash("hash...") // get datum by hash const script = await web3.provider.getScriptByHash("script...") // const delegation = await web3.provider.getDelegation("stake1...") // get delegation by stake address const utxos = await web3.provider.getUtxosByPaymentCred("paymentcred...") // get utxos by payment cred const hash = await web3.provider.submitTx("cbor...") // submit tx to blockchain const protocolParameters = await web3.provider.getProtocolParameters() // get protocol parameters await web3.provider.observeTx("txhash...", 1_000, 60_000) // check tx is in presented in blockchain every 1s, max 60s .then((status: boolean) => { console.log(status) }) }



## Explorer APIs (Typed Clients)

  <summary>Koios, Nftcdn, Price APIs Usage & Query Params</summary>
``` ts
import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const app = async () => {
  const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()

  // Koios API
  const latest10Blocks = await web3.explorer.koios.GET("/blocks", {
    params: {
      query: {
        limit: 10,
        offset: 0,

  // Nftcdn API
  const assetMetadata = await web3.explorer.nftcdn.GET("/metadata/{fingerprint}", {
    params: {
      path: {
        fingerprint: "asset1zwa4chw9xm7xwk7g46ef94qsj28hmnd7qffhgx",

  // Price API
  const dexsOrders = await web3.explorer.price.GET("/orders")



const app = async () => { const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()

const mnemonic = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicGenerate() // generate 24-word (default) mnemonic const mnemonic12 = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicGenerate(12) // generate 12-word mnemonic const mnemonic15 = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicGenerate(15) // generate 15-word mnemonic const mnemonic24 = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicGenerate(24) // generate 24-word mnemonic const isMnemonicValid = web3.utils.keys.mnemonicValidate(mnemonic) // is valid

const xprvKey = web3.utils.keys.xprvKeyGenerate() // generate XPRV key const isXprvValid = web3.utils.keys.xprvKeyValidate(mnemonic) // is valid

const xpubKey = web3.utils.keys.xpubKeyFromXprvKey(xprvKey) // XPUB key from XPRV key const isXpubValid = web3.utils.keys.xpubKeyValidate(xpubKey) // is valid

const address_0_1 = web3.utils.address.deriveBase(xpubKey, 0, 1) // derive base address from XPUB key

const { changeAddress, paymentCred, stakingCred, stakingAddress } = web3.utils.account.getDetailsFromXpub(xpubKey) // account base info

// etc }



## Test

Check [test/index.spec.ts](test/index.spec.ts) for available test

yarn test