1.7.3 • Published 3 months ago

cardwardrobesimulator-201cyber v1.7.3

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Last release
3 months ago



This project, CardWardrobeSimulator, combines the excitement of a card game with the creativity of fashion. It includes a simple yet engaging implementation of a card game, reminiscent of Blackjack, alongside a virtual wardrobe simulator. Users can simulate playing card games and also mix and match clothing items to create outfits.


  • A fully functional card game with basic features such as shuffling, dealing, and score calculation.
  • An interactive wardrobe simulator allowing users to add clothing items and randomly generate outfits.
  • Designed for easy expansion and customization.

How to Use

To start using CardWardrobeSimulator, simply initialize the game or wardrobe objects and call their respective methods to simulate playing a card game or to interact with your virtual wardrobe.


The project does not require any special installation procedures. It is written in JavaScript and can be run in any environment that supports modern JavaScript execution, such as Node.js or browsers.


Contributions to the CardWardrobeSimulator project are welcome. If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, feel free to create an issue or pull request.


We would like to thank all the contributors to this project for their hard work and dedication. Your contributions make this project better for everyone.