1.0.4 • Published 4 years ago
carnn v1.0.4
As easy way to get the cardinal numbers names!
npm install carnn --save
carnn(number, language);
Number Receive an Integer, String or an Array with Strings or Integers containing only numbers.
Language Receive a String containing language identifier (optional) If no value was provided, default language will be loaded : "en-us" Supported values: "en-us", "pt-br"
const carnn = require('carnn');
// output: three
console.log(carnn("6", "en-us"));
// output: six
// output: [three, six, nine]
console.log(carnn(["3","6","9"], "en-us"));
// output: [three, six, nine]
console.log(carnn(["3",6,"9"], "pt-br"));
// output: [três, seis, nove]
- To avoid precision loss using large Integers you can simply use Strings.
- To use default language ignores the param or use empty Strings.
- For while, only integer numbers names is returned.
Max Number 999 Unviginticentillions
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