0.5.2 • Published 7 years ago

cartridge-module-util v0.5.2

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7 years ago

Cartridge Module Utilities

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This package contains several methods used by Cartridge modules when installing.


When required the module returns a function that expects one argument, an object containing the contents of the calling modules package.json. The function returns the api that Cartridge modules can use.

Example usage

var packageConfig = require('../package.json');
var cartridgeUtil = require('cartridge-module-util')(packageConfig);



Moves a configuration file from the module directory to the configuration directory of the project. Returns a promise on completion.


pathToConfigFile string

The path to the module config file. This is relative to the module directory.


cartridgeUtil.addModuleConfig(path.resolve('_config', 'task.sass.js'));


Adds the module information to the project .cartridgerc file. Will update the existing entry if one exists rather than adding a second.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled once the .cartridgerc file is written.


    .then(function() {
        // Code to run after completion

copyFileToProject(copyPath, destinationPath)

Copy a single file / directory from the module directory to the cartridge project directory. If the file being copied already exists in the destination path, it will skipped and not overwritten.

Returns a promise this is fulfilled once the file has been copied.


copyPath string

The file path to copy to the project directory. This is relative to the module directory.

destinationPath string

Optional argument specifying where the file will be copied to.

  • If provided, this is relative to the cartridge project directory. If the directory copying into does not exist, it is created before copying.
  • If not provided, this defaults to the cartridge project directory root.


//File is copied to the root of the project

//File is copied into the directory 'copy-directory' in the project root.
cartridgeUtil.copyFileToProject('file-to-copy.js', 'copy-directory');


Copy mutilpe files, directories at once.


copyPaths array

Array containing copy and destination paths. Each index contains a copyInfo object, with the contents:

  • copyInfo.copyPath - This is required and specifies what files or directory is to be copied. This is relative to the module directory. If the path already exists before copying it will not be overwritten.
  • copyInfo.destinationPath - This is optional and specifies where in the project directory it will be copied to. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. When this is not provided it, copy destination path will default to the project directory root.

Returns a promise this is fulfilled when all copy operations have completed.


    copyPath: 'file-to-copy.js',
}, {
    copyPath: 'directory/to/copy'
}, {
    //file1.js is copied into <project-root>/test-directory
    copyPath: 'file1.js',
    destinationPath: 'test-directory'


Validates that a .cartridgerc file exists in the current working directory. Exits the process if the file does not exist.




Stop execution with a non-error exit code if NODE_ENV environment variable equals development. This can be used to stop certain steps from running such as post install scripts, when developing, running CI builds etc.

  • export NODE_ENV=development in a command line window before running cartridgeUtil.exitIfDevEnvironment() will exit out.
  • export NODE_ENV=production in a command line window before running cartridgeUtil.exitIfDevEnvironment() will continue execution unaffected.




Logs out a message that the installation has finished and exits the process with a success status. This should be the last function called.


Log a message out to the console.


message string

Message to be displayed on the command line


cartridgeUtil.logMessage('Show me on the command line!');


Modify the project.json config file of a project with the use of a transform function.


transformFunction function

Function used to transform the project config.

The function should expect one argument, a javascript object representing the contents of the project.json file. It should return the modified object.


cartridgeUtil.modifyProjectConfig(function(config) {
    if(!config.paths.src.hasOwnProperty('my_module')) {
        config.paths.src.my_module = 'some/path';
    return config;


Remove files or folders from the cartridge project directory. Multiple files and folders can be removed in a single call.

This can be useful when uninstalling a module in a uninstall script.

This returns a promise that is fulfilled when all paths have been removed.


pathList array

An array with each index being the path to remove. The path should be relative to the project directory.




Remove the module information to the project .cartridgerc file.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled once the .cartridgerc file is written.


    .then(function() {
        // Code to run after completion


Remove the config file at the provided path.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled once the config file has been deleted.


pathToModuleConfig string

The complete path, with the file name and extension, of the config file.


cartridgeUtil.removeModuleConfig(path.resolve('_config', 'task.' + TASK_NAME + '.js'));

addToPackage(dependencies, dependenciesObjectKey)

Add extra dependencies to the dependency object in cartridge project package.json. The dependencies to add must be stored in the module's package.json as a seperate key.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled once the dependencies have been added to the package.json


dependencies object

Object of the dependencies to add

dependenciesObjectKey string

The string of the key of the dependencies e.g. newDependenciesToAdd. This string relates to the key in the package.json, seen below.


    "dependencies": { ... }
    "newDependenciesToAdd": {
        "dep1": "0.0.1",
        "dep2": "0.0.2"
//Package json will need to be read seperately
cartridgeUtil.addToPackage(newDependenciesToAddToObject, 'newDependenciesToAdd')
    .then(function() {
        // Code to run after completion


Remove all traces of the expansion pack. Calling this function deletes the package's node_modules directory and removes it from the package.json dependency object.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled once expansion pack files have been deleted.

Due to removing all traces of the installation, this function should be the penultimate function to call, after all other setup code has run but before running finishInstall



installDependencies(dependencies, dependenciesObjectKey)

Programmatically install npm dependencies. The dependencies to add must be stored in the module's package.json as a seperate key.

Returns a promise that is fulfilled once all dependencies have been installed.


dependencies object

Object of the dependencies to add

dependenciesObjectKey string

The string of the key of the dependencies e.g. newDependenciesToAdd. This string relates to the key in the package.json, seen below.


    "dependencies": { ... }
    "newDependenciesToAdd": {
        "dep1": "0.0.1",
        "dep2": "0.0.2"
//Package json will need to be read seperately
cartridgeUtil.installDependencies(newDependenciesToAddObject, 'newDependenciesToAdd')
    .then(function() {
        // Code to run after completion


Please follow the instructions within the base module development guide when working on this project.


When adding functionality or modifying existing methods you should add unit tests to cover the change. In addition the tests should be run to ensure that existing functionality hasn't been modified. The tests are run with the following command:


Alternatively both the tests and linting can be run with the following command:

npm test

To check the code coverage of the current tests run

npm run cover

Please make sure that your changes either increase the test coverage or at least maintain the same coverage.