0.3.0 • Published 7 years ago

cas-server-pg-registries v0.3.0

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7 years ago


This plugin provides service and ticket registries for JSCAS. These registries are backed by a PostgreSQL database.



First, create a database and database user if you have not already:

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database jscas;
postgres=# create user jscas with password 'super-secret';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database jscas to jscas;
postgres=# \q

Second, run the schema installer included with this module:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/pg-registries-install-schema

The schema installer will prompt you for connection details to your database. Other than the username and password, some defaults will be provided that you can simply accept (press "enter") if they match your environment.

Alternatively,the schema installer can be run with the following environment variables set to skip the questions:

  • DB_USERNAME: required
  • DB_NAME: required
  • DB_HOST: required
  • DB_PORT: required
  • DB_PASSWORD: this one is optional. If not supplied, peer authentication will be used.

Note: if you have installed this module in a directory other than your cas-server install directory then you will need to explicitly install the pg module: npm install pg. This module's schema installer requires a direct dependency on it. The regular operation of the module will use the one provided by cas-server.

Finally, you can start adding services to your database:

$ uuidgen
$ psql -U jscas -h localhost jscas
jscas=> insert into services (id, name, url, comment) values (
  'a simple service that authenticates via cas'
jscas=> \q


Edit your cas-server settings file to:

  1. Include a postgres data source configuration for your database.
  2. Specify the service registry: serviceRegistry: require('cas-server-pg-registries').serviceRegistry
  3. Specify the ticket registry: ticketRegistry: require('cas-server-pg-registries').ticketRegistry


A service record has the following properties (columns):

  • id {uuid}: must be specified when creating a new record. It's up to you to generate the UUID. If your server supports it, you can use the uuid-ossp functions.
  • name {text}: must be specified when creating a new record. This is used to provide a user friendly identifier for the service.
  • url {text}: the URL associated with this service. The URL is explictly matched when cas-server is validating service authentication requests.
  • comment {text}: a user friendly snippet to describe the service and its purpose. May be used in management interfaces.
  • slo {boolean}: enables, or disables, Single Logout support. If this is set to true, then slourl must be set. Default: false.
  • slotype {integer}: reserved for future use. This does not currently have any effect.
  • slourl {text}: must be set to the URL of the remote service that will process logout requests when slo is set to true.

Database Maintenance

This module does not remove any data from the database. Which is to say, the database will grow infinitely unless you regularly purge data from it. This is done to allow you the ability to audit the information according to your own requirements.

Here's a sample script to purge 24 hour old data:

# This script assumes you have a .pgpass for the user running it.
# https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-pgpass.html

psql -U jscas -h localhost jscas <<EOF
delete from tgt_service_tracking where created < (now() - interval '24 hours');
delete from service_tickets where created < (now() - interval '24 hours');
delete from ticket_granting_tickets where created < (now() - interval '24 hours');


MIT License


7 years ago


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8 years ago