0.0.4 • Published 5 years ago

cashport-js v0.0.4

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Last release
5 years ago

Cashport-JS - JavaScript / Node.JS Module

A Javascript Module to Integrate Cashport into your Server-Side App / Backend. https://cashport.io


Include the dependency in your project:

npm install cashport-js --save

Getting Started

This section contains all the steps required to integrate Cashport in your app.

1. Get the API Credentials.

Go to https://cashport.io/developers and apply for the API Credentials.

In the meanwhile you can use this API_ID to start developing.


Remember this are just temporal credentials.

2. Create an Authorization Request

Some basic imports and initializations:

const {
} = require('cashport-js');

const appId = 'your-app-id';
let cashport = new Cashport();

Then you can enable the Cashport login:

let cashport = new Cashport();
let permissions = [PersonalInfoPermission.HANDLE, PersonalInfoPermission.FIRST_NAME, PersonalInfoPermission.LAST_NAME, PersonalInfoPermission.EMAIL];
let authRequest = new AuthorizationRequest(permissions, appId);
let uri = cashport.getAuthorizationURI(authRequest, {
    onDeny: () => {
     // request denied
    onSuccess: (authorization) => {
     // request authorized

console.log(uri); // This uri you can QRCode it or redirect user to it in order to login using the Handcash wallet app (if installed)

You will get the Granted Authorization in the callback.

3. Create a Sign Transaction Request

Once the authorization is granted you have all what you need to perform automatic payment requests, in addition to the personal information.

Let's see how to tip to a $handle.

This is the code you need to create a Sign Transaction Request and handle the response.

let request = SignTransactionRequestBuilder.useApiId(appId)
        .withCredentials(senderHandle, authToken, channelId)
        .addPayment(PaymentRequestFactory.create().getPayToHandle("aeku", 10000))
cashport.sendSignTransactionRequest(request, {
        onStart: () => {
            // Sending request...
        onEnd: () => {
            // The request is done.
        onSuccess: (requestId, transactionId) => {
            // Well done!
        onAuthorizedFundsLimitReached: (requestId) => {
            // Authorized funds limit reached";
        onDeviceNotAvailable: () => {
            // Device not available. The user should check his device connection.
        onInsufficientWalletFunds: (requestId) => {
            // Insufficient funds.
        onTokenExpired: (requestId) => {
            // Token expired. Time to login again.
        onNotAuthorized: (requestId) => {
            // Not authorized, what are you doing?
        onInternalWalletError: (requestId) => {
            // Internal wallet error :(
        onBadRequest: (message, errorCode) => {
            // Bad request. WTF are your doing!?
        onAPICallError: (message) => {
            // API Call error. We did something wrong :$

✅ Congrats, you have completed your first authorized transaction!


Try the demo at try.cashport.io


  • Build your first app and start to disrupt your industry!
  • More docs coming soon!

This code is based on Handcash Cashport-typescript "cashport-sdk" library. If you appreciate this, please consider a donation to $aeku