1.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

cassandra-query v1.0.3

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4 years ago

Cli tool to query cassandra database

cqu: execute query on cassandra contactPoints with or without arguments

params: (if no config defined previously used parameters will be used)

--help         OR  -h   show help text
--config       OR  -c   name of saved config (if no name provided "default" is used)

--query        OR  -q   query to run on database
--argFile      OR  -f   path to argument file
--args         OR  -a   inline string for arguments
--argMap       OR  -m   comma seperated maping string for maping args to query params starting from 1 example 2,1,4

--placeholder  OR  -v   placeholder for vairable mapping (defaults to "%s")
--argseperator OR  -s   seperator of args values (defaults to ",")
--hosts        OR  -h   contactPoints comma seperated list of hosts for cassandra connection (defaults to "localhost")
--keyspace     OR  -k   name space for cassandra connection
--username     OR  -u   user name for cassandra connection
--password     OR  -p   password for cassandra password
--output       OR  -o   output file (if value is ommited it will be ./output.json)
--timeout      OR  -t   timeout of the query in miliseconds (default is 5000 )

cqu-configs (save/get parameters);

additional configs to above minus --config (in this command it's irrelevent)
--set  to set configs name (defaults to "default")
--get  to get config (if value not provided it will show all configs)
--configFile  to import or export saved config or configuration based on set or get

Notes to consider

when defining vairables if "=" exists inside variable value you can't assign value with "=" wrong command: cqu -q="select from table where id=%s" -v="%s right command: cqu -q "select from table where id=%s" -v="%s