0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

catternaut v0.0.1

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Last release
9 years ago


###Leverage the full power of Google's Cloud Vision resources to answer the age-old question: ###Is this a cat, or not?

####Prep Instructions subject to change, especially that bit about credentials

  • npm install catternaut
  • Add GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and GCLOUD_PROJECT to your environmental variables
    • Get them after registering with Google through this page.


import { catternaut } from 'catternaut';

// => true

// => false

supports the following image file types: JPEG, PNG8, PNG24, GIF, Animated GIF (first frame only), BMP, WEBP, RAW, ICO src

####What is this wizardry?

Google offers a computer vision service in the cloud. Uploading an image to that service will return a JSON object of labels for items in the photo, in addition to the model's confidence rating for each label. This NPM module utilizes this service to determine if there is a cat in an uploaded image, or not.

Based heavily on work done by @AbhiGulati ty, d00d


9 years ago