1.2.0 • Published 9 years ago

cbenni-tabcomplete v1.2.0

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Last release
9 years ago


JQuery plugin for tab-completing text, for example for usernames in a chat window.



where options contains only one element, collection, which can either be an array of strings or a function(word) returning an array based on a word (the word the cursor was located at when the user pressed tab). Supports all input types supported by caret.js

Note: the values are not cached by tabcomplete.js - if you load values via ajax or similar, caching will be left to you.


$("textarea").tabcomplete({collection: ["some user",
										"some user1",
										"some user4",
										"some user5",
										"another user",
										"another user24"]});

If the collection is an array, as seen above, it will suggest only entries that start with the word the caret is at. This filtering is not applied to collection: function(word), as seen below. Suggestions are cycled respecting the order in which the items appear in the collection, therefore a deterministic order is suggested.

allusers = ["some user",
			"some user1",
			"some user4",
			"some user5",
			"another user",
			"another user24"];
$("textarea").tabcomplete({collection: function(word)
		// return the array items that start with the word
		return allusers.filter(function(v){return v.indexOf(word)==0;});

Live demo: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/KpVZmz