1.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

cdk-execution-manager v1.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago

This CDK construct takes a State Machine and the state input as props and creates a CloudFormation Custom Resource to manage executions in a Lambda function. It also adds a ResumeTo state, at the top of the StateMachine tree, so executions can be easily resumed to a certain state. At each cdk deploy a new execution is triggered and the CDK cli outputs the URL for the triggered execution details.

State Machine



npm install cdk-execution-manager

import * as sfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions'
import { DeploymentManager } from "cdk-execution-manager";

const task1 = new stepfunctions.Pass(stack, 'State One');
const task2 = new stepfunctions.Pass(stack, 'State Two');
const stateMachine = task1.next(task2);

new DeploymentManager(this, "TestDeployment", {
      stateMachineDefinition: definition,

Every time you run cdk deploy a new execution will be triggered, the cli will output a link to the current execution.

Deployment Manager output

You can pass inputs using the executionInput property:

new DeploymentManager(this, "TestDeployment", {
     stateMachineDefinition: definition,
     executionInput: {
             payload: `PAYLOAD`,

You can use the resumeTo input path to resume the execution from a given state:

new DeploymentManager(this, "TestDeployment", {
      stateMachineDefinition: definition,
      executionInput: {
              payload: `PAYLOAD`,
              resumeTo: task2.id,