2.0.0-alpha.13 • Published 5 years ago

cdt-breeze-client v2.0.0-alpha.13

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Last release
5 years ago


Breeze data management for JavaScript clients.
See the docs for more info about what Breeze does and how to use it.

Install from npm

npm install breeze-client@next

Build using ng-packagr

Run npm run build. This will create files in the '\dist' dir. The directory structure is the Angular Package Format.

adapter-*/                Breeze adapter definitions (*.d.ts) for ajax, data service, model library, and uri builder
bundles/                  Breeze and adapter libraries in UMD
esm5/                     Breeze and adapter libraries as ES5 modules (separate source files)
esm2015/                  Breeze and adapter libraries as ES6 modules (separate source files)
fesm5/                    Breeze and adapter libraries as ES5 modules (combined source files)
fesm2015/                 Breeze and adapter libraries as ES6 modules (combined source files)
spec/                     TypeScript definition files (.d.ts) for tests
src/                      TypeScript definition files (.d.ts) for source
breeze-client.d.ts        TypeScript definition file (links to the files in src/) 
breeze-client.metadata.json      Metadata for Angular AOT
index.d.ts                Main entry point
LICENSE                   MIT
package.json              Package metadata
public_api.d.ts           Main entry point

It will also create breeze-client-{version}.tgz in the main directory. This file can then be installed in a project using

npm install ..\{path}\breeze-client-{version}.tgz

Build API Docs

Run npm run typedoc. This will create a '\docs' dir. click on the 'index.html' in this folder to see the docs.

Breaking Changes

API is almost identical to the original (breezejs 1.x) but small changes are noted below:

  • Breeze no longer depends upon Q.js. But it does depend on a ES6 promise implementation. i.e. the existence of a global Promise object. The setQ function is now a no-op.
  • The names of the enum values no longer have "Symbol" at the end. E.g. EntityStateSymbol is now EntityState.
  • The DataServiceOptions interface is now DataServiceConfig to be consistent with other naming
  • The initializeAdapterInstances method is removed; use the singular config.initializeAdapterInstance method.

    Adapter Changes

    The names of the adapter files have changed. E.g. breeze.dataService.webApi is now adapter-data-service-webapi, and the locations have changed due to Angular-compatible bundling.

    Also, the aggressive tree-shaking of tsickle/terser/webpack in Angular 8 removes the functions that the Breeze adapters use to register themselves! So you need to register them yourself.

If you have this:

import 'breeze-client/breeze.dataService.webApi';
import 'breeze-client/breeze.modelLibrary.backingStore';
import 'breeze-client/breeze.uriBuilder.odata';
import { BreezeBridgeHttpClientModule } from 'breeze-bridge2-angular';

Replace it with this:

import { config } from 'cdt-breeze-client';
import { DataServiceWebApiAdapter } from 'breeze-client/adapter-data-service-webapi';
import { ModelLibraryBackingStoreAdapter } from 'breeze-client/adapter-model-library-backing-store';
import { UriBuilderODataAdapter } from 'breeze-client/adapter-uri-builder-odata';
import { AjaxHttpClientAdapter } from 'breeze-bridge2-angular';

Note that now you do not import the BreezeBridgeHttpClientModule, just the AjaxHttpClientAdapter.

Then, in your constructor function (for your module or Entity Manager Provider):

constructor(http: HttpClient) {
    // the order is important

    config.registerAdapter('ajax', <any>function() { return new AjaxHttpClientAdapter(http); });
    config.initializeAdapterInstance('ajax', AjaxHttpClientAdapter.adapterName, true);


The above has been tested on Angular 7 and 8, and should work for earlier versions.

For apps that use global JavaScript libraries, the UMD versions are still available, under the bundles directory:

<script src="node_modules/breeze-client/bundles/breeze-client.umd.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/breeze-client/bundles/breeze-client-adapter-model-library-backing-store.umd.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/breeze-client/bundles/breeze-client-adapter-data-service-webapi.umd.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/breeze-client/bundles/breeze-client-adapter-ajax-angularjs.umd.js"></script>

Compile Notes

In general we have avoided using null parameters in favor of undefined parameters thoughout the API. This means that signatures will look like

a(p1: string, p2?: Entity)

as opposed to

a(p1: string, p2?: Entity | null);

This IS deliberate. In general, with very few exceptions input parameters will rarely say 'p: x | null'. The only exceptions are where we need to be able to pass a null parameter followed by one or more non null params. This is very rare. SaveEntities(entities: Entity[] | null, ...) is one exception.

Note that this is not a breaking change because the underlying code will always check for either a null or undefined. i.e. 'if (p2 == null) {' so this convention only affects typescript consumers of the api. Pure javascript users can still pass a null in ( if they want to)

Note that it is still acceptable for api calls to return a null to indicate that nothing was found. i.e. like getEntityType().

Jasmine tests

1) from command line run 'npm install jasmine -g' ( global install). run 'jasmine' from top level breeze-next dir.

2) from vs code debugger add this section to 'launch.json'

        "name": "Debug Jasime Tests",
        "type": "node",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js",
        "stopOnEntry": false,
        "args": [
        "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
        "sourceMaps": true,
        "outDir": "${workspaceRoot}/dist"

run 'npm install jasmine' // local install   
set breakpoint and hit Ctrl-F5.