1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

celeon.js v1.0.0

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6 years ago

celeon.js - The most simple way to trigger events on node.js files and projects

A simple and light dependency free event system powered by node events module for triggering and listening to events . This is dependency free and tested and very easy to use . Take a look at the demos and API

Why it's useful ?

Node event emitter depends on a single event emitter bus . So you would have to create another file for it writing about 7 lines and you would have to export and import it every time as a file which takse time . I built for developer hapiness . And it has only two simple straight forward functions which makes it's API light and easy .

Table of contents


npm install --save celeon.js
yarn add celeon.js


const { on, emit } = require('celeon.js');
emit('foo', ['some', 'data']);
on('foo', function(data){
  console.log(data) // returns ['some', 'data']

This works accross all files

More complicated example

foo.js || In this file after 2 seconds an event will be triggered

const { emit } = require('celeon.js');
  emit('call', "some data");
}, 2000);

app.js || After 2 seconds the event will be catched .

const { on } = require('celeon.js');
on('call', function(data){
  console.log(data) // returns some data


emit(eventId: string, ...data);

Param : eventId Type : String Param : data Type : Any It's good to pass all the data in one parameter , like emit('call', dataobj);

on(eventId: string, callback: Function);

Param : eventId Type : String Param : callback Type : Function The callback will have a data parameter , which will be the same data from the triggered event .

Powered by node.js and events module . Hope it helps .